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The wind is blowing slightly. Warm spring breeze that could make anyone asleep. Anyone, but not for Kim Seokjin. A guy at his 30, just came back from his agency to discuss some things about his new solo Abyss with his producer, Min Yoongi. It is raining lightly when he drove his own BMW car from the agency back to his penthouse. Music booming from his car radio, as he hummed to Rap Monster's Trouble.

Since it's already evening and the sky is dark grey, Jin somehow felt sleepy while driving. Trying his best not to drift off to dream land, somehow his eyes got heavy and heavier- until it's closed completely.

Blind to the little girl who crossed the street right at the moment his car goes straight.


Jin jolted awake when his head hit the steering wheel, making a drip of blood flow down from his head.

As he rubbed his eyes, he got down from his car and...

...Shocked when he discovered a dead body, covered in red blood. The bouquet of flower the little girl brought was now tinted red by her own blood.

As Jin stared at the little girl he just hit earlier with a shaky eyes, he felt his phone vibrating inside his pocket.


"Hyung!" Jin heard his cousin, Jeon Jungkook, shouted nervously. "Hyung, this is bad! I just received a news from the Seoul Hospital. Yoongi Hyung got into an accident! Your producer, Hyung! An...And... he... passed away..."

Jin dropped his phone on to the ground. This is escalating too quick.

He just hit a little girl. And as if Karma had been watching all his action, his secret boyfriend- who is also his producer- passed away.

The very second this little girl does.

His head is now spinning crazily. World turned blurry, as he felt his chest tightening.

Before everything turned into dark, pitch black.




Author's here!

This will be a short story, hopefully.

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