[1] Happy birthday Remi

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Madison's POV

"Madi come on it's my birthday your my best Friend you have to come." My best friend Remi pleaded.

Me and my her have been arguing for the past 30 minutes.

"I don't know Remi i'm just not in the mood Jason and I just broke up." I said sadly.

"I'm tired of you sitting here, heartbroken after HE broke up with
you after HE cheated." Remi said.

I stopped for a moment to think about this. Remi was right, I should be having a good time right now. Jason and I had broke up three months ago... The only things I do now is go to campus and come home. I need to get out and have a good time for me.


"Okay?" Remi said more in a questioning tone.

"Okay let's go get wasted" I said bluntly.

"YESS!!" Remi said with excitement.

Remi pulled me off the couch and led me to my closet. After what felt like hours I finally decided on my outfit. A black bra-let with a short Black pencil skirt with rhinestones that covered the surface. I did some light make up with a black lip stick look and I was ready. Sure I looked like a whore but who cares I just want to get drunk and try to have a great time.

"I'm ready" I yelled walking through our shared apartment.

"Ok I'm coming, I'm comi-" Remi stopped midsentence to look me up and down

"You good, do I need to wear ear muffs tonight?" she asked half joking.

"Should I be saying the same thing to you and Matt." I laugh and shook my head as we left the apartment.

(Time Skip)

We arrived at Club 101. The hottest club in London. We were meeting our friends, Jimmy, Susan, Keisha, Alice, Matt, Max and Paris. We've all been inseparable since we all met on the first day of freshman year at the University.

" ITS THE BIRTHDAY BITCH." Alice yelled as we arriving at the table.

" so what's the plan?" Jimmy asked

"We're gonna get drunk..I thought it was obvious" Matt said as he picked up his drink taking a large swing of it.

We all laughed

"Well you can't do that without a drink right....I'll be back you guys."

I walk over to The bar area.

"Hi yeah can I get a tequila ice tea, hold ice tea and make it strong"

He nodded and turned around to make the drink.

"Damn, rough day?" A man two stools down asked.

"I'm sorry?" I say.

" you need something to take the edge off?" He said moving closer.

As he moved closer I got a better look at him. He was a couple inches taller than me with brown hair, Brown eyes and a Jawline sharper than glass. He was wearing a white button up with three buttons open, dress pants and what looked like very very expensive shoes.

"Umm yeah ha no it's my best friends birthday." I said pointing at the table where are my friend sat laughing and giggling.

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