Madison's POVAfter Tom and I went over the terms and conditions he drove me home to pack. Tom had me call all of my friends so it could all happen at once....I wasn't looking forward to telling them, especially Matt, he's basically my brother. we've known each other since we were born and He's a little protective.
"Hello?" I say entering the house, Tom close behind me.
"Hey mads, why did you want us all here? Alice said.
"Hey you all know I'm..pregnant by Tom." I say pointing over to Tom.
"Well I-" I was interrupted by Tom speaking.
" I need everybody in this room to swear on their lives that whatever is said in this room stays in this room." Tom said in a low dark voice.
"What why?" Jimmy said muffled by him stuffing goldfish in his mouth.
" just do it...please?" I ask and they did.
" I own an organization called H1-" Tom continued but was cut short by Matt speaking.
" woah woah woah you mean like the mob H1?" He asked my friends now becoming A mix of scared and curious.
"Tell me that's not what you mean, that's not what you mean right? Wait no it can't be because The guy that owns that..his name is Don-S." Jimmy said hyperventilating.
Tom chuckled lightly.
"I am don-S." He said.
"Holy shit" Keisha yelled.
"What? You're joking... Please tell me you're joking." Max laughed nervously.
"I'm afraid not. As for me going by Don-S, Don means a leader in a mafia vocabulary and S is the first letter of my middle name." Tom said.
"Holy shit-Oh my goodness-Madi what the fuck." Remi said. " your having a baby with a fucking murder."
" I know, I know but you guys that's not all." I said. Their heads snap toward me and their eyes wide.
"What the fuck do you mean that's not all?" Alice said intensely.
"I have to go live with Tom..Because if his enemies finds out I'm associated with him and pregnant with his child they could try and hurt me and the baby." I get out in one breath.
"Madison are you crazy."
"This is insane."
" Madi he's a drug dealer." I hear shouts from every direction.
"No" Matt says in a serious tone.
"What?" I asked as if I didn't here what he said.
"I said no Madison." He said walking towards me.
"i'm not letting you move in with this psychopath. Get out." He says the first part to me but the last part to Tom.
" with all due respect. That's not your decision she already made her decision. She's protecting her and the kid." Tom said in his usual tone.
" protecting her? How the fuck do we know that you're not gonna kill her?" Matt says pushing Tom against the wall.
"Matt." I say sternly turning towards the rest of my friends. They give Me an uneasy look.
"Matt babe, calm down." Remi tries but he ignores her.
Tom pushes Matt off of him and draws and gun and points it straight at his head. Everyone freezes.
"What the fuck." Jimmy screams diving to the floor.
"Don't touch me again." Tom snapped.
"MATT PLEASE" Remi Says almost in tears.
"I don't give a fuck about your stupid ass gun.-" Matt says stepping towards the gun.
"Matt." Remi I pleads.
"If you hurt her I will haunt you down and kill you." Matt says.
Tom chuckled
" yeah whatever man." Tom says in a cocky tone.
And that's when I felt it, a wave of nausea hit at this very moment. I run to the bathroom. As soon as I start running Keisha follows me and holds back my hair as I throw up.
Once I get done I wash my mouth out and walk out of the bathroom.
"Okay... I know this is crazy but if I don't do this my baby could be in danger. You all have to understand that. I have made my decision...You all do not have to be my friends anymore, i'll understand." I say sadly.
They are stop and think for a second. I look over to Tom who has put his gun back on his waist.
" Madi your our best friend. If you were in some thing we are in something." Remi says they all nod along.
" if you're in this you're in this. There is no turning back you are associated with me now." Tom said.
"No Shit." Jimmy says almost laughing.
" no no I cannot let you guys do this."I said In a desperate voice.
"Madi you're our pregnant friend Who is associated with a drug dealer and murderer. you need some friends. We i've always been there for you and always will. So fuck it I'm here." Remi says
"Me too"
"Me too"
"Yeah me too"
"You all are gonna get me killed. Yea I'm in." Keisha finishes the chants.
They all start to laugh but I start to cry. I knew they were good friends but I didn't know they were real friends. There's a lot of fake ones in the world.
" i'm sorry I'm sorry." I laughed while I cry.
" I hate to break up this touching moment..but we need to go, I have business to take care of soon." Tom said motioning for me to hurry up.
" wait before you go...can we still see her? she can still go to UNI right? We can still go out right?" Alice says.
" you may come to the house and see her..As for UNI she will need a bodyguard from my security unit and for going out she can't go of the property without me other than school." Tom says.
"Why?" Jimmy said.
"Because I can't protect them if I'm not with them." Tom said and we all nod.
"Okay I'm gonna go pack."

Everything happens for a reason || T.H Fanfic
FanfictionMadison Spencer was just a 22-year-old College student in London, until one wonderful night and a morning that would change her life forever. But she is in for a world of twist and turns. This is my first story so Bear with me.