[6] the plan (part 2)

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Madison's POV

After that text I got last night from tom I went to sleep. Even though I barely got any.

I wake up at 9:00 so I can get ready. While I'm in the shower I look down at my stomach and start to cry. This poor baby it's going to be born without a stable home.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper cradling my stomach.

I get out the shower and put on Black jeans, a plain white tea and a leather jacket. I still have a little bit of time left so I do my English LIT assignment.

"Hey, madi there a car outside. Are you expecting someone?" Remi yelled from the living room.

I look at the time and surely enough it's 10:30 on the dot.

"Coming." I yell back.

I walked into the living room to see Matt and Remi laughing and watching a movie.

"Hey, what are you guys laughing at?" I question looking at the TV.

" Central intelligence..this movie is hilarious. How are you today?" Remi said will Matt pause the TV.

"I'm fine I guess, Tom sent the car so we can meet up. I'm going to make a doctors appointment when I get back."

"We here for you madi." Matt says.

" I know, thank you, bye guys."

"Bye, be careful." They call as I leave the front door.

I get in the car and say hi but the driver doesn't answer. I get my phone out of my bag to text Tom.

Me: hey, I'm in the Car. Is Being polite not a thing with you or your acquaintances or...?

Tom: what do you mean?

Me: your driver doesn't know how to speak when he's spoken too.

Tom: he was instructed not too.

What? What does that mean? I am so confused. The car come to an abrupt stop at this beautiful restaurant, the driver comes and opens the door for me.

"Thank you." I say and all I get is a
grunt in response. I feel tap on my shoulder, I turn around and see Tom

"Oh hi." I say awkwardly.

"Hello darling, shall we." He said motioning toward the building.

I nod and followed him in. Once I walk in conversations from other peoples tables started to fill my ears.

"Good evening Mr. Holland. Same room." A guy who I assumed to be the owner of the establishment said.

"Yes Mario, thank you." Tom answered.

"Right this way." Mario said leading us down a long hallway. We stop at the door at the end of the hallway.

" go right in, take a seat your server will be with you in a second." The man said as he left.

We sit down.

" so what's up Tom?" I said curious of why I'm here.

" I have thought of a plan to deal with the 'situation' but I don't think you're gonna like it." Tom said pouring himself some wine.

"What is it?"

" I want you to come live with me throughout the pregnancy and the babies life." He said nonchalantly.

"You want me to what." I said with my eyes widened.

"I know it sounds insane but you have to listen for me there are people after you." He said sounding genuinely concerned.

" what do you mean there are people after me?"

"Madison." He took a long breath before he continued "-The work I do is very dangerous. And anybody associated with me or my business is in great jeopardy." He finished.

I stayed silent for a second trying to figure out what he was talking about.
What does he do? is he a serial murderer? A drug dealer? Both?

I laughed awkwardly and said.

" I don't understand." I said cautiously.

" Madison. I'm just gonna say it. I own an organization called H1. At H1 we Sell illegal substances and do... other things that we will not get into right now but, somethings that I do make people want to hurt me and people associated with me. I need you too come and live with me too insure you and the fetuses safety." He said as if it was nothing.

My breath hitched. Oh my gosh he is a drug dealer maybe even a murderer. Something about that name each one sounds very familiar but I'm going to push the thought into the back of my head because me and my baby are in danger.

" wait you- you said you were in real estate what do you mean somebody wants to kill me." I said kind of hyperventilating. 

" I couldn't tell you because that's classified information and I thought we were never gonna see each other again." He says pouring another glass of wine.

I stayed silent for a moment not knowing how to process the new information. Me and my babies lives are in danger, and to think this could've all been avoided if we used a condom.

"Here." Tom said handing me his handkerchief.

I hadn't noticed I started to cry until Reality hit me. I take it and wipe my eyes.

" I know this is a lot of information to take in but if you don't come and live with me so I can protect you and the baby people could come after you." He said.

" why do you even care." I sobbed.

" I care because I know you want to keep it and if you keep it I have new found responsibilities and I ALWAYS take care of my responsibilities. That-" he says pointing at my stomach. "Is also my responsibility." He finished.

I was amazed at his maturity. sure he was a dick but at least he takes care of his business.

but this is a lot to take in, he's a murderer and a drug dealer and he wants me and my child move in with him. I can't help but to feel like if I say no I'll be making the wrong decision. If I don't live with him I could be putting me my friend and my baby in jeopardy.

"Okay." I say questioning my decision.

"Okay?" He send more in a questioning way.

"Okay, Ill move in."

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