[2] "what a dick"

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Tom's POV

I'm woken up by my phone ringing, I look over to my left to see what's her name sleeping next to me. I groan knowing what I have to do. I get up and grab my phone off my nightstand and leave the room.

"Hello?" I say answering the phone.

"Mate, where are you? did you forget we have the Mendez deal today?" Harrison said in a whisper yell.

"Shit. Give me a half an hour I'm just gonna shower" I say ending the call.

I walk back into my room, grab clothes and head toward my bathroom.

Madison's POV

I wake up to a door being slammed. My eyes shoot open and I look around. Memories from last night flooding back into my mind.

"Hey" I hear from the other side of the room.

I look over to see Tom putting on his shoes.

"Hey" I say holding the sheets over my breast.

"Look last night was fun Mandy...we should do it again next time." he trailed off.

I scoff "it's Madison you ass" I say getting up and frantically start getting dressed.

"Yeah whatever..ummm I need you out like right now." He said.

"Cant you see I'm going?" I say putting my heals on.

"Yeah but not fast enough hurry up, I'm late." He said coldly.

I was about to leave. Then I remember that I gave him my number last night. I walk over, slap him and say...

"Don't call me asshole...and also fuck you and you tiny ass dick, I hope you get STDs from someone." I say as my hand collides with his face.

His head loops to the side, he laughs and looks back at me.

" take two rights one left and Walk down the stairs. Go out the front door there's an Uber waiting for you." He said pointing to the door.

I leave and following directions. I get in the Uber and tell him my address.

(Time skip to when she gets home)

I walk in the house to see all my friends laying in the living room sleep. I laugh to myself.

"Hey madi how'd it go" I hear Remi say walking from the kitchen.

I roll my eyes "last night was amazing....but this morning was a disaster" I say leading her back towards the kitchen.

"Okay......?" She trails off wanting me to continue.

"He definitely was pleasing...the sex was amazing but, when I woke up he called me 'Mandy' and then totally kicked me out...so I slapped him and told him not to call me."

"What a dick" Remi said with anger.

"We can send Matt and Max to beat the shit out of him!"  She suggested and I laughed.

"No it's alright at least I got fucked right?" I say. We laugh and just then all of our friends come into the kitchen. Matt immediately going to Remi.. god there such a cute couple. We all make breakfast and eat together. I'm so happy I have friends like this.  Ever since my parents died in a car accident two years ago I've only had these guys. They are there for me though everything and anything.

Hey, what's your favorite tom Holland role?

I love Peter and Bradley 😊

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