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Aizawa left the hospital in the morning to check up on Eri. Emi scolded him for letting the irresponsible Present Mic look after her for the night, but was actually grateful that he decided to stay.

And so she was alone in the empty room. She never liked the hospital so much, they're full of fear and pain.

Thankfully, that doesn't last for long. Soon after Kai walked in, but not in his usual cheerful self, much in a serious manner. It almost seems like he've been thinking a lot.

Emi raised an eyebrow confused at the view of her partner walking in with an awkward smile-might be a fake one. "Emi-chan, good morning," he said, sitting on the couch. "You're early," Emi uttered teasingly, "Do you not have anything to do without me?"

Kai slightly grinned, resting his back on the back rest, "I stayed here overnight actually," he said, "it'll only cause a mess if Eraserhead recognize me, I saw him leaving, so.."

Emi nodded in understanding, "You did? You don't have to." Kai nodded, "I know, I just felt like it."

They fell silent for a moment before Emi said, "You wanna say something?" Kai chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, "It's embarrassing, you know me so well." "Cause you stop being that annoying brat and got that dead look in your eyes everytime you're being serious! It's scary you know!" Emi pouted, folding her hands together.

Kai chuckled, folding his legs. "Really? I didn't know that."

"How did the potion I gave you work?" he asked, changing the subject. "It's great, I can start missions now!" Emi said, excitedly. Kai rolled his eyes, "No you're not," he said, "but at this pace you'll be out in a week."

"A week?! That's far too long!" Emi protested, pouting. "That potion is actually the one you got after you were shot by Kurokage-san, you should recognize," he said, "it's not that compatible for toxic gas, but it should help a bit, that gas and Kurokage-san's air bullets got similar approach."

Emi's eyes widen, "Wait, really? I thought you made it." Kai raised his eyebrow, "I did." "But Sakaru said Kurokage-san gave if to me for saving his son." Kai chuckled, "You really thought that old man got enough heart to do that?" Emi hummed. He was right, that made no sense. She bet Kurokage never wanted his son to be a hero in the first place. Now that she think of it, Kurokage might have a soft spot for his son-Fujiro, that's why he started a hero school of his own with harsh learning method to change his mind. But she wouldn't know for sure.

"Why did you give it to me? I was a hero back then," Emi asked. Kai went silent, then hummed, "just felt like it."

"About the thing I want to tell you," he started. "Good news and bad news, which one do you want first?"

Emi sighed, "bad news."

"I overheard you talking with Hawks about going undercover and that you joining Gekko was a part of an undercover mission, and pretty much everything else you said including you being emotional about it," Kai chuckled like it was some joke. Emi's eyes widen.

Shit, she thought.

"And..," she uttered, "what are you gonna do about it?"

"Well, I might already tell Kurokage-san and he's on his way to this very room to kill you," he said casually.

Emi fell silent.

Kai cracked a laugh, "Kidding!" he said, "don't you want to hear the good news?"

But Emi didn't find that funny. The fact that Kai, the Kai Chisaki AKA Overhaul knows about the mission scare her to death. "Go on," she uttered.

"Good news is that I decided to quit being a villain and help you with your mission," he said. Emi squinted her eyes, "You are?" Kai hummed. Emi turned him a sharp glare, "If this is one of your undercover in an undercover mission I won't hesitate to kill you," she uttered, standing up.

Kai stood up, "I know you'd say that." He picked a gun from his pocket, inserting a single bullet to it in front of Emi. Emi stalled.

Kai placed the gun on Emi's hand and pulled her hand up, adjusting the gun to his forehead. "It's called 'death promise'," he said, "they say it's easier to spot a lie this way. Pull the trigger you still don't trust me."

Emi's hand was shaky, with Kai's hand holding the top of the gun pointing at his forehead. She pulled the gun down forcefully, "Enough, I trust you, Jeez," she said, taking the bullet out, tucking it to her pocket, "I could've accidentally pulled it and you'll die.

Emi was about to fall as she felt a pang on her head. Everything started to blur. Kai caught her and helped her back to bed, "My bad, you shouldn't stand for too long," he said.

Kai went back to the couch. As Emi's vision started to clear up she muttered, "Kai," the other man hummed in reply, "Are you sure about this? You'll be a traitor, it's not fun to be one, I'm a traitor for both sides."

"You're not a traitor, you're a professional hero from the beginning," he said. "You can say that but it's not for us to decide if we're traitors, it's the people around us.

"I wouldn't mind if you're the only person on earth trusting me," he uttered, turning a soft smile. Emi felt warmth on her cheeks so she turned her face away, "Whatever."


I'm so much into this Overjoke shit for some reason I might make a whole fanfic of it-jk, I'm too lazy for that.

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