twenty-seven (last chapter)

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Emi saw it when Kai turned to dust. The gun he was holding dropped to the ground in slow motion. Her eyes followed every movement of it. Aizawa crouched next to her, laying a hand on her shoulder. It still stings from the shot, but Emi didn't bother to tell him, at that state all she wanted to feel was physical pain.

She was just starting to grow attached to Kai. He trusted her when everyone claimed her as a traitor, even Aizawa. Emi picked the gun from the ground with her shaky hands, picking the single bullet out. She held it, clenched her hand as hard she could.

"Emi," Aizawa uttered soothingly, a guilty tone in his voice. "I need some time alone, Eraser," Emi muttered. Aizawa nodded in understanding, he stood up. "I'll wait in the car," he said, walking out. Emi didn't say a word to that, but she agreed.

Aizawa passed through Hawks in the hallway. "How did it go?" he asked, stopping Aizawa's way. "It went well, but let's give Emi space for now." Hawks grinned, "You've grown, Eraserhead, you were a selfish brat." Aizawa rolled his eyes, walking past him. Hawks stopped by the entrance door and sighed as he saw Emi kneeling on the ground, sobbing. Kai told him about that part of his quirk when they were planning things out, they agreed to do anything to avoid it but Kai did mention that he won't hesitate to use it if necessary. Deep known, he expected it'll go this far, they're after Kurokage after all.

But after just a few seconds of watching her from afar, he knows this isn't healthy keeping Emi sobbing there all night. So he decided to step in, slowing his steps but eventually reached her. He crouched next to her, "So the mission's over, huh? It felt unreal," he uttered, starting a conversation. Tears started to build up in her eyes again for what felt like the hundred times. Emi hugged Hawks tightly, burying her face on his chest, "He wanted to be a better person!" Hawks sighed lightly, he felt Emi shaking as she sobbed. He stroked her back soothingly, "And he is, isn't he?" 

Emi faintly nodded, looking down, "I would've died if it wasn't because of him." Hawks picked Emi's face up with a finger to look up at him, "And he choose to do it, it's not your fault." 


Emi walked out of the building towards Aizawa's car. It's unlike him to be so patient about waiting for someone to come, but she couldn't care less, Emi wasn't feeling herself. Her body felt like it was falling apart. The exhaustion after overusing her quirk struck back like lightning, and the mark on her shoulder and chest from Kurokage kept stinging, reminding her of whatever happened that night. "Sorry I made you wait too long," Emi uttered, grinning. 

"Are you okay?" Aizawa asked, concerned. Emi nodded excitedly, "Better than ever! Now hurry up I madly need some sleep it's been a looong day." Aizawa sighed, starting his car. Why is it that Emi can't open up with him the way she did with Kai and Hawks? She's always dorky and funny around him, teasing him around while being a number one companion every time he had a bad day, but not the other way around. She would space out of him on her dark days, even when they were dating back then, Emi was always distant about her colors. 

The seafoam-haired hero was oddly silent throughout the roads. She's reply with her usual exciting tone every time Aizawa said something, teased him a bit but then that's it. It's understandable knowing what just happened. "E..raser," Emi muttered much to a serious tone, turning her eyes at him, "I promised you I will tell-" "You don't have to tell me now, take all the time you need," Aizawa cut. Emi nodded, "No, I want to get this over with." He noticed how she was still gripping the bullet, looking out of the window at times. Emi started explaining, all the threats, about the mission including all Kurokage did to the students. Although she did not say a word about how Kurokage punished her for asking UA related hero for help during the hero licensing exam-it's unnecessary, the thought.

They arrived at Emi's apartment. "Do you want me to stay?" Aizawa asked before entering the apartment. "If you want to," Emi muttered, walking in, Aizawa followed behind her. Emi took a quick cold shower to clean herself off. It tensed her muscle more than keeping her relaxed, but at this point, she realized pretty much nothing will make her feel content. Emi quickly changed to her white cat-patterned pajama, before throwing her sore body to bed. "I...have your clothes in that box in case you want to clean up," she pointed at a box somewhere near a cupboard. 

It was awkward, but Aizawa nodded, pulling a poker face as he heads to the toilet with his set of clothes. The raven-haired hero didn't take too long, he walked out wearing his typical all-black clothing as he roughly dried his messy hair with a white towel, finding Emi covered in a thick sheet all the way to her cheeks. Her eyes were closed, he didn't know if she was actually asleep, she didn't look so peaceful. 

Aizawa picked a portable chair, pushing it close to her side of her bed. He sat there, leg crossed. Aizawa sighed, "I can't believe you went through all that alone," he muttered. She mentioned how the mission lasted for two years, meaning she was already working on it when they were dating, before she moved to Ketsubutsu, before the whole 'traitor' thing. That made him feel bad. 

"You've grown, Eraserhead, you were a selfish brat."

Is that what Hawks meant when he said that? Aizawa planted a soft kiss on her forehead which someone soothes her down. "God, you're so reckless I'm gonna kill you," Aizawa whisper-yelled frustrated, "how am I supposed to live myself if you don't make it out alive and heard all this from someone else?"

Aizawa folded his hands together tightly, squinting his eyes at Emi who's sleeping soundly. He pouted, looking away. "I love you, you know!" "Really?" Emi muttered, grinning. AIzawa quickly turned her eyes at her. 

She wasn't sleeping?!

A deep shade of red covered his pale cheeks, but he did not reply, to embarrassed to say another word. "Don't worry, I love you too, Eraserman,"Emi uttered. Aizawa turned his face away and squinted his eyes, trying to keep his smile. "Quit it, Emi," Aizawa uttered, "It's embarrassing."

The two heroes chuckled, spending more of the night teasing each other like they always did. 



Alright, we have reached the end of the book. I would like to thank everyone for reading this far. I had so much fun writing it, I hope each one of you a great day. If you have any fanfic rec, I would love to read it. 

See you somewhere else!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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