Chapter 2 - fanboying, dreams and movies

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~ Niall ~

I left Nando's with a big grin on my face, I got Louis Tomlinson's autograph while I was at work! I think he took a photo of me but that's just wishful thinking. I arrived home and got out my iPod and opened up the twitter app, pressing on the new tweet button I composed a new tweet.


@NiallOfficial: OMG I just meet @Louis_Tomlinson ! Djjdjcdjdrrjxd


Instantly I got numerous mentions from my followers congratulating me and asking questions, I looked in my interactions and saw that he favorited my tweet.

"OMG HE FAVORITED MY TWEET! OMG THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" I screamed and ran to my room, I pulled out my signed napkin and read it with shaky hands. I couldn't believe what he wrote.


Hi Niall! I wanted to say that your probably one of the most calmest fans I've ever met, so give me a call yeah? Or text me. :)


(Insert signature here)


That alone made me scream again, he gave me his phone number!

"Niall! Why are you screaming like a girl?" Zayn asked standing in my door.

"ZAYN HE GAVE ME HIS PHONE NUMBER!" I yelled as I did my little happy dance and jumped around on my bed.

"That's nice Niall, who's the guy?" Zayn asked.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON!" I said as I continued to jump.

"Niall your not just going into that fangirl thing again?" He asked uncertainly.

"LOOK ZAYN, IT'S RIGHT HERE! KCFSHCXJCT." I rushed over to him and handed the napkin over to him, his eyes scanned it and by the end his mouth was wide open.

"Holy fudgecakes Niall, that's huge! I'm so happy for you!" Zayn said as he bear hugged me.

"Thank you Zayn, can I have my napkin back please? I need to frame it or protect it somehow." I ask quietly, he chuckled as he handed it back.

"I might have a frame for that, hang on let me find it." Zayn said as he left my room, I returned my attention back to the napkin. It was slightly crinkled but I smoothed it out on my desk, okay time to text him. I grappled my blackberry and entered him into my contacts under 'Louis'.

To: Louis

Hi! I'm your waiter from Nando's, remember me?

I put my phone down and checked twitter, Louis and Harry were arguing about Nando's Louis liking me..... Wait! What! Louis liking me! That's impossible! We only met!

"Niall?" Zayn said. I continued to stare at my phone.

"You aren't reading hate are you." He said from behind me, yeah so a while ago a few people on twitter were sending hate to me but my loyal followers defended me, I'm not twitter famous but I had a pretty strong group of people behind me.

"No, Zayn what do you think of the argument that Harry and Louis are having?" I asked as I handed him my phone.

"Niall were you their waiter?" He said after a while.

"Yer." I replied pacing across the room.

"I'd say that they're arguing about Louis liking you." Zayn stated while passing back my phone.

"But that's impossible right? You can't like someone you only met once right?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"Any things possible, here's your frame Ni. Gets some sleep, you have lunch shift tomorrow." Zayn said as he kissed my forehead and left my room. I picked up the frame and opened the back of it up, carefully I placed the napkin in and redid the back of the frame. Finding a random nail in the wall over my bed I hung it up, I changed into my pj bottoms and slipped into bed. I didn't get a text back, but instead I got a dream of Louis instead.

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