Chapter 1 "How all began"

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Hi! My name is Zoe I'm 14 and this is my story.

"Mom why are we moving again? " I asked

"Because of your father's job, Zoe"

"Yeah, okay mom I unterstand that U.S. is my home and that I was born there but I love England, I love my english friends and I loved the 2 years we've lived here so why do we have to live in the U.S. again? I love my life here!" I asked

"Because of your dad's job so just drop it Zoe, could you?"

"Sure, mom" I answered

"So say goodbye to your friends, pack all your stuff and be ready for next weekend because you, your sister and I are leaving this flat forever" she smiled with a spot of sadness in her eyes, I knew she did not want to leave this town, and then she added "We won't leave with your dad because he has to solve his work issues so we won't see him for about... Six months" then a tear came out of her eye but she quikly covered it with her finger.

"Mom are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, hun, why wouldn't I?"

I don't understand why my mom hides her feelings so much, I think maybe is because she wants to look like a tough woman. In the next few hours I had all my clothes outside my closet and inside two masive suitcases, I knew I wouldn't leave until next weekend but I wanted to be ready. After that I texted Candy (my BFF) and Lucy (my other BFF).

The text said:

C u @ the square

@ 4:30



The square is a cool place where I hang out with my friends every day of the year. There we've spent our best moments.

"Mom I'm meeting Lucy and Candy in half an hour at the square!"

"Okay sweetie have fun! "

"Thanks! See you!"

I grabbed my phone, put on my beanie and my jacket and I was ready for took off. Oh no! I almost forgot my headphones, they are my life essential together with my spotify playlist.

I got off the tube, went up the station's stairs and walked all the way to the square. When I finally arrived I saw Candy sitting on a swing and I joined her.

"Candy!" I said

"Zoe!" she replied happily

"Have you seen Lu... "

"Zoe! Candy!" said a voice behind my back, I turned around and I saw Lucy.

"Lucy!" we answered

"Guys I have really important news. Please sit down." I said

When they were seated I finally said it.

"I'm leaving the town"

Hi! I'm a new writer so please vote if you like the story so far and comment too!! I love you!! XOXO See you in the next chapter.

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