18. It's Official

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Dinner was quite... interesting.

Yu Yan's hands shook as she tried to flip through the menu. Shaking and Liang Sen were talking animatedly about god-knows-what. The waiter who was waiting for their orders was starting to look very impatient. Yu Yan doesn't blame him, though. He's been standing there for almost twenty minutes.

I think I should just order.

"I'll have ginseng chicken soup please," Yu Yan said.

At the sound of ginseng chicken soup, Keyin and Liang Sen whipped their head around. The waiter cleared his throat. Liang Sen smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry we kept you waiting," Liang Sen said as he composed himself in a gentlemanly manner. "I'll have Kung Pao chicken and rice."

"And I'll have everything on the menu," said Shaking.

Liang Sen and Yu Yan glared at her. Shaking gulped.

"Um," Shaking cleared her throat. "I'll have Sichuan boiled fish."

"Okay, any drinks?" the waiter forced a smile.

"Just tea will be fine," Liang Sen ordered for everyone.

Soon, the waiter left the kids to their own devices. Liang Sen turned to Yu Yan.

"So," he began, "since you'll be dating my jiejie-"

"-by a few months," Shaking glared at him. "Excuse you, I'm not that old!"

"Yes, jiejie by a few months," Liang Sen rephrased his words. "All I have to ask is please don't hurt her."

"I won't," Yu Yan confirmed. "I don't plan to. She's such a wonderful girl who deserves everything in this world."

Shaking smiled at Yu Yan and took her hand. Yu Yan smiled back when Shaking squeezed her hand three times. Liang Sen fake gagged.

"Oh my god," Liang Sen coughed. "Tone it down, you two. We're in public."

Yu Yan and Shaking laughed.

"It's not like you don't act all cute when you're with Liu Jun," Shaking teased.

Liang Sen glared. Shaking blew a raspberry. Liang Sen shook his head and turned to Yu Yan.

"Yu Yan, look," Liang Sen said. "I'm so sorry you'll have to bear with her insufferableness for the long run."

"It's okay," Yu Yan laughed and side-hugged Shaking. "She's pretty tolerable most of the time."

"Hey!" Shaking pouted.

"Joking, joking."

The trio fell into comfortable conversation. Liang Sen and Yu Yan were having such a good time discussing things that they didn't notice the food arrive. Shaking, being the foodie that she was, dug in immediately. Not only that, but she also decided to steal some of Yu Yan's ginseng chicken as well. Yu Yan only raised her brows but didn't say anything. At this point, she's so used to Shaking stealing her food.

"So," Liang Sen began. "Are you two going to go public?"

"Of course!" Shaking bravely proclaimed in the middle of eating. "I have to make the whole school and the whole world know that this girl here is my girlfriend."

Before Yu Yan could say anything, Shaking pulled her closer. Yu Yan smiled shyly at Shaking who won't take her eyes off of her.

"So," Shaking grinned, "what do you say, girlfriend? Do we announce this first thing tomorrow?"

Yu Yan could only nod and averted her gaze shyly. Liang Sen gagged again.

"Lesbians," he muttered underneath his breath.

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