20. Forever is a Long Time

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Yu Yan felt as light as a feather when she came to school. There was a smile on her face. There was a spring in her step. All of Youth High gathered and whispered amongst themselves.

"Look at her!"

"She's glowing?"

"It's the Shaking Chloe effect! I'm telling ya!"

Right after Yu Yan came in followed Shaking. Shaking was slightly limping, but nevertheless looked very cheerful. Yu Yan stood and waited for her girlfriend to catch up to her. And then she linked their arms together and walked towards the library. Of course, this fueled more gossip.

"Oh my! Is Shaking limping?"

"She probably got it good from Yu Yan!"

"Yu Yan must be a monster in bed."

Meanwhile, the girl gang-gang knew exactly what went down. All thanks to Xiaotang and Shuxin's big mouths.

"I left the vibrators with them," Xiaotang smugly said. "That's why she looks so satisfied. Shaking fucked the stress away from her."

"But why is Shaking limping if she's the top?" Xiai asked.

"That's because they switch, Xiai," Xiaotang deadpanned.

"Oh," Xiai murmured. "So, it can work that way, too, huh?"

"Does that mean you're finally going to let me top?" Chen Jue smiled evilly.

Xiai said nothing. But her silence was enough of an answer for Chen Jue.

On the other hand, Ella and Xinwen were holding each other's hands, sobbing in joy.

"Laoshi!!!" Xinwen cried. "They finally did it!!"

"Our ship has sailed, never to sink!!!" Ella happily sniffled. "May BKLY never sink!"


Yu Yan gently sat Shaking down on the bench. Shaking flinched a little when her butt came to contact with the hard surface.

"Sorry," Yu Yan smiled sheepishly. "I got too carried away with the whip."

"Aiya, Yu Yan!" Shaking whined. "You didn't have to go that hard on me!"

"Oh really?" Yu Yan raised a brow. "Who was the one screaming for more last night?"

"Hey, I said that in the heat of the moment, okay?" Shaking blushed and looked away. "If I had known I'd be aching all over, I wouldn't have asked for that much!"

Yu Yan only laughed and pulled her girlfriend closer. Shaking pouted and folded he arms.

"Why are you so pouty today?" Yu Yan asked.

"Because you did me so good," Shaking mumbled.

"Shouldn't you be happy about that though?" Yu Yan raised a brow.

"No, I'm aching all over!" Shaking whined. "You must take responsibility for this!"

Yu Yan smirked and leaned closer to Shaking's pouty face.

"How do you want me to take responsibility?" she asked.

"Carry me everywhere today," Shaking demanded.

"As you wish," Yu Yan smiled and kissed Shaking on her cheek. "Now stop pouting."

Yu Yan suddenly stood up and hoisted Shaking in her arms. The class clown flailed her limbs, fearing that Yu Yan might drop her.

"Why are you struggling so much?" Yu Yan asked. "I thought you wanted me to carry you?"

"Not now!!" Shaking squeaked. "I mean when we go to classes."

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