Bonus: How Wei Chen Found Her Guts

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Wei Chen forced herself to look at the girl in front of her. She took a deep breath and mustered up her guts.

"Wang Chengxuan, will you go out with me?" she asked with a smile.

"Too anime cliché," Shaking said as she munched on chips. "Try again."

Wei Chen fixed herself and tried again.

"Chengxuan, do you wanna hang out after school with me?" she asked.

"Too casual."

"Chengxuan, baobei~ Do you wanna go get coffee after school? It's my treat."

"Too greasy."

"Xuan~ you're the cutest girl I've ever laid my eyes upon-"

"Hell nah! That even greasier than the other one!"

"Well, fuck! How am I supposed to confess then??"

Chengxuan threw herself onto the bed in despair and groaned. Shaking continued enjoying her chips.

"Jiejie, how did Yu Yan jiejie confess to you?" Chengxuan asked.

"Let's say she misunderstood and thought I was going on a date with my cousin, chased my car on foot, and confessed her undying love for me dramatically in the parking lot," said Shaking.

"That's so c-drama-y."

"I know."

"Welp, I'm not running after her car."

"Why not?"

"I'm afraid of her dad."

That made Shaking laugh.

"Wei Chen, you chicken," Shaking shook her head, "do it before you lose her forever."

"What do you mean, lose her forever?" Wei Chen sat up.

"I mean, there may be unseen forces waiting to snatch her up," Shaking softly roared, imitating a tiger. "She's a pretty little prey for many dudes."

"Which dudes?" Wei Chen narrowed her eyes.

"Duan Xingxing," Shaking wiggled her eyebrows.

"He's gay and he's openly into Liu Guanyou," Wei Chen rolled her eyes.

"Cao Yu."

"He has a girlfriend."

Shaking threw the bag of chips at Wei Chen.

"Fuck. I can't lie to you, can I?" Shaking groaned.

"Nope. I know you're pulling the same trick Lisa-laoshi pulled on Yu Yan jiejie to make me confess," Wei Chen smiled smugly.


"Try again, ma'am."



Chengxuan slowly turned her head around to see Wei Chen running after her. She smiled.

"Hey, Wei Chen!" she waved. "What's up?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you something," Wei Chen timidly scratched the back of her neck.

"What is it?"

"Um, I uh..."

Chengxuan waited patiently for Wei Chen to finish her sentence. Meanwhile, Shaking and Yu Yan, who were hiding unflatteringly in the bushes, said their prayers.

"Please, God," Shaking whispered. "Please make Wei Chen overcome her fears."

"Please give her the strength to confess to her one true love," Yu Yan prayed.

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