Chapter 2 (Uncle John's House)

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Its been a three days since Jake saw Zakrats.Jake doesn't have anything now. His family and his bestfriend was killed by Zakrats. Now what should he do? He is litterally sleeping at a bench in a park! He is now sleeping. Suddenly, when Jake is sleeping someone took Jake to his home. Jake woke up. Then he saw the man's face. It was his Uncle John! Jake said 'Help me Uncle John! I dont know what to do now. Mom and Dad was killed by a demon! But you will never believe me anyway.' Uncle John said 'No Jake. I will always believe in you.' Jake said 'Where is Aunt Lis?' Uncle John said 'She is baking cookies as always.Now Jake you have to go to sleep.' Jake said 'Okay Uncle John.' So he went to sleep. Suddenly, Jake heard something downstairs but he just continued to sleep. The next day he and his uncle went to the place that Zakrats killed his parents and his bestfriend, Mark. They saw the bodies. There was a letter. The letter said 'YOU CAME HERE AGAIN? IM NOT HERE ANYMORE!'
Jake said 'Wait, what? He is not here?? Where could he be?'
Uncle John said 'Lets go to your house to find some clues.' So they went to Jake's old house but the door was locked! Jake said ' I think someone is in there.' Uncle John said 'Let me kick the door. *kicks the door* There were no one? Why does the door locked? It was 9.00 o'clock. So they went back home. Jake went to his bedroom and slept. Then Jake heard something downstairs again! Jake said 'That sound again? Why am im hearing it over and over. I have to go downstairs to check it.' But when he reaches the door he cannnot move his body. He said 'What is happening? Why is my body feel so heavy to move?' Then, someone came to his room and closed Jake's eye's with his hand and said 'Nothing is happening down there boy. Nothing.' Jake was feeling snoozy and slept at the floor. The next day, there was a letter. The letter said 'I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!' Jake said "Oh no! He knows! I have to run from here!' Then, Uncle John said 'You can not do that! I am Zolzo. Zakrats assistant. Jake said 'You are not my uncle?' Zolzo said 'Foolish humans. Always got tricked. Now I have to catch you and bring you to my master. Then, my master will grant me a gift.' Jake said 'Don't trust him! He is a liar. Zakrats is a liar!' Zolzo said 'NONSENSE!' Then, Jake ran away from Zolzo. Zolzo chased him. What should he do now. Jake is in danger.
Finally, Zolzo caught up to Jake. Zolzo said 'This is the end for you!' Zolzo caught Jake. Now he have to bring him to Zakrats. But somebody came and kicked Zolzo's face. How could he kicked a demon? Who is this guy?

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