The Lion King

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"I swear to god.."

Dabi was staring at at Toga and Twice who were reenacting The Lion King with Satomi as Simba. The funniest thing about it was that they even had costumes on.

Satomi immediately beamed the moment her golden eyes met Dabi's turquoise ones. She squeeled, "DADI!"

The two villans had the same reaction as the child. They got excitedㅡ to the point Twice nearly dropped Satomi.

"Hey! You can be Scar!" Toga suggested.

Twice choked.

He wasn't sure if it was intentional or not, but her words made Dabi deadpan, an expression on his face that screamed 'are you kidding me?'

Toga didn't seem to realize the irony of her own words, and just continued persisting Dabi to play with themㅡ which only made the man let out a sigh.

"Dadi!" Satomi called, a playful pout on her chubby face. Twice had been giving her too much sweets these days. "Pay!"

Toga shook her head, suddenly focusing her attention on the child she was carrying. She hummed in disapproval, "It's play. Not pay."

The child pursed her lips and furrowed her brows as she wiggled her butt on the teen's forearm. She copied Toga's hum of disapproval, before suddenly jumping with a wide grin. "Pay!"

Satomi had grown more playfulㅡ and  definetely more energetic. She was also starting to develop a personality of being mischevious and cunning... courtesy to Kurogiri finding the child trying to smuggle some candies Dabi specifically instructed she could only have after meals before trying to crawl away. She even screamed in fake agony when the misty villain picked her up and brought her to her non-biological father.

Dabi couldn't help but to sigh, though a small smile had passed his face to see his unbiological child so happy and lively. "Alright... i'll play."

"YEEEEEEY! Yay yay yay yay-" then Satomi procreeded to scream blubbering noises to the villains' ears which was quite painfulㅡ but hey, at least she was happy.


Toga and Twice couldn't keep their laughter in when Dabi walked out the door with stiff fibers from a broom to serve as a lion's mane. The look on his face screamed just how much he wanted to die right then and there just made them uncontrollably wheeze like deflating baloons.

"You-" Toga couldn't even speak properly, laughed so hard she began to go into a coughing fit mixed with a mule soud that honestly sounded disgusting in Dabi's ears. "You- you look.... heEEEE-"

"YOU LOOK LIKE A LION-TAILED MACAQUE!!!" Twice screamed before falling to the floor and rolling around.

Dabi had irk marks started popping up in his head, a scowl on his face as he clenched his calloused hands into fists. He just wanted to strangle them at that point. "You two were the one who asked me play!"

That just worsed Toga and Twice's laughing.

On the other hand, Satomi was squeeling as she clapped her hands, less trying to embarrass Dabi and more of just simply happy and enthusiastic that he would be playing as well. "Dadi her! Dadi her!"

The patchworked villain looks down at her and chuckled before picking her up and on his one forearm, allowing the child to play with the stiff fibers and pulling on them with a squeel. "Her! Her!"

Dabi chuckled as he gently pulled Satomi's tight-gripped hands from his 'costume'. "It's called a 'mane', princess." He told her, "It's what lions have."

Satomi pouted her saliva-covered lips, something that her father immediately wiped with her towel he always has with him every second of every day (of course he washes them).

The kid was a quick learnerㅡ that part was already made extremely obviousㅡ so it was no suprise she was able to copy and understand what Dabi said in the best way she could.

"Leyn her...." she started, momentarily making a gurgling sound with bubbling saliva rolling to her chin in an odd attempt to make an 'mm' sound before suddenly jumping and grinning, "mmmen! Leyn men!"

Dabi couldn't help but to let out a light laugh and pinching Satomi's cheeks, "Not really how you pronounce it.... but good job."

Satomi simply squeeled, bouncing in joy as her chubby little hands continued to go throught the broom fibers and tugging them from time to time.

Dabi wouldn't admit itㅡ especially not in front of Toga and Twice, but he had a fun time when they roleplayed the lion king. At some points, he had to keep himself from smiling and laughing along.

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