Baby Tears

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The deed was done.

Dabi, alongside with two companions named Toga and Kurogiri, watched as the two storey house in front of them burns to the ground. The blue flame infulging the building like wildfire as parts of it fell to the ground with a loud clatter.

They had just killed the Nakashima couple, a popular, well-known and highly respected hero couple in all of Japan for saving thousands and millions of people. They were kind, loving and selfless people who puts others first before themselves.

Probably by the time the news gets out that the famous Nakashima couple were killed in a fire and crushed under debris, the entire of Japan would fall in great despair and grief.

This was one of the reasons the League of Villians decided to kill them, other than Allmight, the Nakashima couple had great influence on everyone and them being killed would definetinely cause negative emotions on everyone be it grief, despair, anxiety or fear.

The second reason was Ito Nakashima, who had been spying on them for the past two weeks and having too much information that they can't risk getting out. Despite his wife, Aimi Nakashima, not being involved with her husband in spying, she might likely know about the secrets as well and will likely spread the LoV's secret if her husband were to be killed. Hence the idea from Shigaraki, why not kill both of them?

It didn't take long until sirens could be heard from a distance away as lights of red and blue from the police, ambulance and firetruck that was coming. It was crazy how they still manage to do their job at 2 in the morning.

"We should go." Kurogiri spoke up and opened the warp gate back to their base.

Toga hummed and skipped her way to the dark fog like she had just gotten her favorite candy. Dabi soon follows, hands in his pants pockets as he turns around and walks to his two companions.

Toga had already gone in the warp gate and back to their base, Kurogiri stayed behind to wait for the scarred villain to enter as well before following close behind. Dabi was about to enter the gate, the tip of his right foot already in, that was until he heard a feint cry coming from the burning building.

Dabi froze in place and turned his head around. Another cry could be heard and almost immediately, he moved back from the gate and dashed towards the burning and falling building and not taking into consideration that he could be crushed anytime by falling wood or debris.

"Dabi!" Kurogiri had called from the outside, only to reach deaf ears.

Dabi searched the house for the sound as he runs franticlly around in the burning building. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt alert when hearing the cry.

A baby's cry

He wasn't one who was good with babies, let alone anything that lives or breathes. But he wasn't just going to let this child get burned and die in a fire. He may be a villain, but somehow, he couldn't bare the thought of letting a human child die when he could've possibly saved it, he felt like he would live with guilt and regret if he did.

As he runs up the flight of stairs to the second floor, he momentarily stopped in front of a room, it having a queen sized bed with two burnt bodies lying on them with a couple of wood and debris on top.

He was suddenly cut out from his thoughts when the sound of crying got louder. It was just next door.

Without any hesitation, Dabi runs to the door outside where the crying came from. In the middle of the room had a small crib, the crying was as loud as the sound of burning wood and the the sirens that were coming closer.

Slowly, he walks up to the crib. Peering down, he was met with a baby. A live, human baby balling it's eyes out and crying as loud that it's voice could reach. Dabi's breath hitched as he stares at the small creature. Unknowingly, he slightly reached his hand out.

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