Diaper Changing 101

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"What is that smell?!"

Somehow, the smell of poo reached everyone who were in the bar area, which led to them coming up the stairs to investigate where it came from. Once they got up, Twice, however, ended up gagging and running to the bathroom.

Shigaraki scrunched his face in utter disgust and quickly walking away from the strong smell, Toga followed behind him while covering her nose and mouth. Mr. Compress also ended up running to the bathroom and vomiting out his earlier drink. Kurogiri seemed to be the only one unbothered by the smell as he walks in the room and to the baby who was showing it's gummy smile.

He crouched down in front of the baby and stares at it, earning a gummy smile in return. He reached a gloved hand to it with a pointing finger, the baby taking it in it's hand and gripping on it and attempting to bite it as a chew toy- fortunately, Kurogiri kept moving his hand away from it's mouth, though didn't bother letting go of it's grip.

"Did you do a poo poo?" He asked in a lightly childish voice, earning a fit of giggles and hiccups from the small baby and continuously tugging on his finger.

Dabi stood amused in the doorway. Everyone knew Kurogiri was nice- maybe the nicest out of everyone in the league, but he never really saw him interacting with a child let alone a baby. If he had a family, he would've been a great father.

He sighs, "I'll get some diapers and other things." He said and walked out with a wave.

Dabi stood in the aisle full of diapers, not sure what to get. He huffed in frustration, "And I have to get milk, bottles, toys and baby clothes after this." He continues to complain under his breath, but did he regret taking the baby in? Suprisingly not.

He then looks up things on his phone on what to get for a newborn, 6 weeks old baby and what milk formula they need instead of breast milk.

I could kidnap a pregnant woman... no, too much of a hastle...

One baby was enough, he was sure he couldn't take take of a pregnant woman and another baby.

With a light huff, Dabi took a pack of stretchable diapers that he made sure would fit the baby he was taking care of. He also started walking to the bottle section and grabbing three baby bottles. He wasn't sure if three was enough, but he could always come back. After that, he then walked to the counter to pay, also asking the cashier for a good milk formula for a 6 weeks old baby. The cashier didn't really know who he was, considering he hid his indentity pretty well with a face mask and hat, and he was happy. He didn't want word spreading out or him being seen buying baby products. He had a reputation to keep.

Once Dabi had came back from his little trip in the 24 hour pharmacy store, he immediately went up to his room. Opening the door, he saw Kurogiri sitting on the foot of his bed while the small baby was naked in the lower area.

"It's a girl." Kurogiri spoke up, "I only now noticed we didn't know her gender before."

Dabi lightly scratches the back of his head. He agreed. They really didn't know her gender beforehand since he was in such a rush of getting her out of the burning house. He just nodded with a hum as he proceeds to put the grocery bag down on his drawers, taking the pack of diaper and opening it.

"Do you need help in changing her?"

"No thanks." Dabi aswered, "If i'm gonna keep her, I need to know how to change her diapers at least." He mumbled, "But just stay just in case I actually need help.."

Kurogiri simply nodded and Dabi walked up to the baby who was now lying sideways on the bed with her foot on the edge.

Dabi seemed hesitant, knowing fully well that babies have really soft bones so he was afraid he might accidentally injure or break her.

"Tomura said to put power first before putting on the diaper." Kurogiri spoke up, earning a raised brow from the scarred man. "Since when did that unhydrated rat care about children? And how did he know that?"

The misty bartender ignored the insult thrown to his boss, "He searched up how to change diapers."

Dabi couldn't help but snort, making the baby laugh from the sound as she grabs ahold of his middle finger with her two hands. Dabi looked at her with a small smile and wiggled his middle finger, caushing the baby to laugh once more.

"For someone like you, you sure have a really strong grip, huh?" Dabi mumbled as he one-sidedly talks with the baby, forgetting that Kurogiri was in the room for a quick second. He groaned, "I don't have powder and I didn't know I needed one."

"I think Toga has some." Kurogiri said, earning a quick nod from Dabi before he runs out the room.

"Yo crazy," Dabi calls out to Toga, who looked at him with a grin and wave, "Do you have some powder?"

Toga hummed with a nod as she skips to her room, Dabi following close behind. "You're lucky I have baby powder." She says as she momentarily turns to face the scarred man with a grin and her hands on both of her cheeks, "It keeps my skin nice and soft."

Once Dabi got the baby powder(and basically now owning it), he went back to his room and continued to change the baby. Kurogiri still in his same spot.

"What do we call her?" Kurogiri spoke up, "We don't know what the Nakashimas named her either. I searched for any birth certificates named under Nakashima that was born six weeks ago or close to that, only to find none."

"That's weird." Dabi grumbled, "No birth certificates? Or hospital information?"

"None." Kurogiri shook his head, "The latest birth certificate under Nakashima was four years ago. I also looked into every hospital with the file of Aimi Nakashima, her last appointment with a doctor or setting foot into a hospital was ten months ago from an injury inflicted by a fight with a villain."

Dabi hummed in response as he finishes putting powder on the baby's bum and flower area and preceeded to put the diaper on.

"They must have kept their daughter's existence a secret if they went to an extent of not having a birth certificate for her." He said, "I also didn't know that Aimi Nakashima was pregnant with a child- no one did. That also must've been the reason she also had a seven month break from those hero stuff."

Kurogiri nodded in agreement, "It was also a good move." He said, "Knowing the circumstances, if word got out that they had a child, people like us would likely take her away from them."

Dabi stayed silent as he continues with properly putting on the diaper and carefully moving the baby to not do anything harmful to her. The cashier suggested a diaper that would be secured with tape to easily change a baby with soft bones, but did he listen? No.

Knowing why he stayed silent, Kurogiri stared at the small baby who had her brows furrowed and mouth in a pout as she watches the diaper being put on her. "But our situation was different." He sighed, "We didn't know they had a child."

"Will you tell them?" Dabi said, not bothering to look at the misty barterder beside him.

"It would be best if they warm up to her for now." Kurogiri, "We don't know if they will kill her after knowing she's the child of the couple we were ordered to kill."

Dabi simply hummed in response as he finally gets the diaper on the baby. He then proceeded to take off her onsie since it was dirty and smelled like smoke and poo. He went to to his drawer to get a medium-sized clean, fluffy towel and carefully wrapping it on the baby around under her armpits.

"That'll do for now." Dabi sigh and stood up straight causing a small popping sound on his neck and back from slouching too long. "I'll buy you some clothes later."

Kurogiri then proceeded to stand up from the bed and looked at the small baby who was getting droopy-eyed. It was three in the morning after all, and it was also a suprise that their base is still as lively like it was eight.

Kurogiri looked up at Dabi who started taking off his coat and shirt, getting ready to go to bed himself. "What will you name her?" He asked

Dabi said nothing but stare at the baby with a hand on his hip as the other runs through his hair. The baby was already sound asleep with her ungloved hands beside her head.

Dabi couldn't help the smile that tugged on his lips, his eyes showing warmness and love that not many people could see.


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