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~Indigos P.O.V~

1 Week later....

So its been a week since i moved in with BVB and my birthday is tomorrow but i don't like to make a big fuss over it but because im turning 18 there will be a great fuss over it YAY note the sarcasm haha.

So right now im just eating some cereal in my batman Jam-jams with jinxx and his new fiance next to him sammi doll, shes soon to be my new mum which im happy about shes so nice i can talk to her about anything shes always there for me when i need it most, then i realized lets play a prank on the remaining sleepy heads muahaha >:)

"Dad, Sammi we should play a prank on the rest of the dudes since their still asleep" Jinxx looked at me for a minute and nodded with a smirk and sammi did the same, we all stood up and walked to the practice room and jinxx got a guitar, sammi went on the drums and i stood next to the microphone, "on 3 play the loudest you possibly can" i whispered to them both and they nodded to say they understood. i counted down on my fingers 3...2...1 then at the same time i screamed into the microphone, sammi bashed on the drums and jinxx played his guitar.

Andy, Ashley, CC and Jake all stood there with a look that could kill someone while me, Jake and sammi stood there busting with laughter but it soon stopped when CC shouted "GET THEM!!!!!" Sammi and Jake ran down the hallway with CC, Jake and Ash after them while i ran up the stairs with Andy behind me but because we had both got long legs it was quite hard to catch up to one another but soon enough, I felt Andy putting his arms around my waist and drag me into the closet room which surprisingly was his.

"So you thought you could just wake me up when i need my perfect sleep" He spoke softly but his smirk said other things "I...I was...J...just messing around" why am i getting so flustered around him, he started walking slowly towards me but every time he did i would step back but then my leg hit the side of his bed causing me to fall on his bed but i grabbed his wrist causing him to fall of top of me. I was blushing furiously he breathed onto my neck which caused me to shudder he chuckled slowly then lifted his head up and stared right into my eyes and sooner than later i got lost in his blue eyes he then looked at my lips and back to my eyes like asking for permission.

I was stunned i leaned in and sooner or later i felt him smash his lips against mine, our lips moved in sync and he slithered his arms around my waist and started to kiss my neck i moaned as he found my sweet spot which made him  chuckle he then looked up at me, "Your so beautiful indigo don't let anyone else tell you differently" tears sprung to my eyes and i hugged him hiding my face in his neck i mumbled a thank you and he started rubbing circles on my back we both sat there and from that moment i knew that i was in love with Andy Biersack.

Nothing really happened during the day i just stayed with Andy most of the time while watching batman, snuggling together and sneaking kisses now and then hehe we felt like ninjas trying to not get spotted by Jinxx or anyone else for that matter. I started to fall asleep in Andy's arms so he carried me to his bed and got in next to me, i snuggled up to him and fell asleep and soon as my eyes closed.

~Next Morning Also Indigo's birthday!!!!~

I woke up slowly and noticed and sleeping next to me he looked so cute i smiled, his eyes started to flutter open and i was met with his beautiful bright ocean blue eyes which made me melt "Morning Beautiful" he said in his sexy morning voice i smiled "Morning Batman" he smiled and kissed me softly, i slowly kissed back our lips moving in sync, he pulled away and smirked "Happy Birthday" i rolled my eyes and got off the bed and smirked "im going to change now remember no surprise parties today" i pointed at him and smiled, he looked at me and pouted "fine but i cant promise anything" he smirked evilly, i just rolled my eyes and walked into my room smiling like the Cheshire cat and soon as i got in my room i got my clothes out and i got in my shower washing my hair and body i quickly step out and wrap in my towel its bloody cold, I shuddered a little and dried myself off with the towel and started putting on my clothes which was Some blue ripped skinny jeans, a Blue tank top, a blue plaid shirt which i put over my tank top but left it open so you could see my tank top, i put on my blue converse and my dog tag which was black, i then brushed my wet hair, dried it and straightened it the teased it a little, i then put on my black snap-back. I started with my make up which was the usual a light touch of foundation, mascara and a thick layer of eyeliner next i put on my pair of fake big geek kind of glasses on.

I then looked at myself once more and i thought i looked hawt, i shook my head at myself but smiled and walked out my room but not forgetting my phone and then i walked downstairs but it was very quiet which is strange normally you would hear CC screaming at his game or whatever he was playing on but nope no today and then when i turned to go in the living room there was a loud shout...





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