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~Indigos P.O.V~

Omg it was jinnx he stood there looking pissed at what happened next I wasn't ready for, "WTF INDIGO AND ANDY YOUR LIKE BROTHER AND SISTER WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO IM SORRY I CANT ALLOW THIS" I looked down in hurt and shame he was right why are we doing this I know cause we love each other, I looked at Andy he still stood there wide eyed with sadness they he sighed "he's right indigo we don't know what were doing I'm sorry but we can't continue this" he slowly pushed me away and walked out my room and walked out the tour bus I stood there tears threatening to spill my heart is shattered, jinnx just stood there and I had to urge to do something I never had to before but not in front of jinnx or anyone they would hate me but I can't help it "get the fuck out jinnx I loved him and you tore us apart leave now" I whispered as my voice started to crack he looked sadly at me and walked out to find Andy, I ran and locked the bedroom door and fell on the floor the tears streaming down my face, I ripped the necklace off my neck and threw it across the room, and tugged at my hair screaming but crying also yet again I got heart broken but this time by one of my idols this time I couldn't help it I still had another 2 months to stay with them all. I slowly walked to my bathroom and took one of my shavers from my bathroom cupboard and stood on it to break the razor out of it which worked, I shakenly pick it up off the ground, I had never done this before but I need to feel something over than pain maybe relief, I slowly rolled up my sleeve and put the razor to my arm I bit my lip trying not to scream the pain it hurt but as soon as I had about 7 on my wrist it felt more like relief like the problems were gone I had over 30 cuts on my wrist and arm going up and I felt like it was enough I cleaned up my arm and my razor I his my razor in my cupboard at the back then placed things in front of the razor so no one would get suspicious. I walked back out of my room and grabbed my headphones and layer on my bed and fell asleep with tears rolling down my face I then played my favourite song and fell asleep to sleeping with sirens don't you ever forget about me his voice was so smooth it made me happy I smiled and fell asleep.

~3 days later~

All of BVB have been trying to get me out of my room I know I would have to come out one day, cause I needed to eat I love food too much its impossible for me to not eat, so today's the day I go out and get food I don't care if they talk to me I'll just ignore them I know its not their fault well Andy is the one to blame for this but I don't trust my voice right now. I slowly got out of bed and walked to my walk in wardrobe and got into a pair of black sweatpants, black tank top and a black sleeping with sirens jumper and some black UGG boots I couldn't be bothered with makeup or anything so I just out my hair in a quick messy bun and left my makeup off, I looked at myself one more time I mentally slapped my self what if someone sees my scars my warrior scars as I like to call them, I shrugged it off and just thought it will all be over soon just 2 months, I breathed out and headed towards my door and then unlocked the latch and turned the knob for the door to open.

I walked out and into the main bit everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me but then I noticed Andy with Juliet fucking Simms on his lap making out, tears brimmed my eyes but I blinked them away and walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab some pizza I then slammed it shut causing everyone to jump and look at me again this time even Juliet and Andy "oh look the zombie has returned" Juliet spoke up with a vile smirk of her face "shut the fuck up whore" I spoke back with venom in my words "indigo please talk to us" ash whispered getting up and walking over to me with sadness in his eyes then before I could say anything he engulfed me in a huge hug, I hugged back slowly "I'm sorry" I spoke quietly looking at ash, then Jake, CC and my dad jinnx but I ignored Andy as he was back to playing tonsil tennis with the whore Juliet it broke my heart to see it and ash could see it in my eyes as well and I could tell he was pissed at andy, I couldn't take it anymore the urge came back I quickly ran back to my room and threw my food down on the floor running into the bathroom and grabbing my razor I lifted up my wrist which had no cuts on at all, I slowly began cutting getting deeper till I let out a loud scream and then darkness.

~ an hour later~ (bet you just read that in the spongebob voice muahaha I'm evil)

My eyes suddenly flutters open revealing white walls and bright lights I then heard ashes voice "hey Purdy girl come on please wake up" his voice was weak I could tell he had been crying "A...Ash" I spoke up looking at him, his head shot up, eyes widening then crushing me in a huge hug, everyone soon came in but to my dismay there stood Andy and the bitch Juliet I glared at them before turning away to face everyone else "Ashley, Jinnx, CC, Jake I'm really sorry what I did was stupid I missed you guys" I weakly smiled at them, then before I could say anything else I was in a bone crushing hug I giggled and they chuckled back "Listen indigo I'm really sorry about everything but I realised I don't love you and it was wrong to make you think that I did" Andy spoke up causing everyone to look up at him, I looked at ash he had kill written all over his face I grabbed his hand to calm him down which worked, then I heard Juliet giggle "looks to me sweetheart that he's chosen me I'm very sorry I'm guessing he just doesn't like cutters" that was it I had, had enough "Andy, Juliet get the fuck out of here before I end up killing you both you guys are the reason I'm in here, yea thats right Andy I did love you but your so blind to see it, that it killed me to see you say things and end like that we could have something out but no you take the easy way out, oh and Juliet I may be a cutter but these scars show that I'm a warrior and I may be a cutter but at least I'm not a whore who sleeps around with different men and cheat on people" I spoke as the last my voice broke tears silently fell down my cheek, Juliet looked pissed while Andy was standing there with tears in his eyes and sadness, Juliet stomped out the room and Andy walking slowly walking behind her wiping his eyes deserves him right for what he put me through but I still loved him just not as much as I did before he hurt me and that has broken my trust with him forever and for one thing to know it takes a long time for me to rebuild trust with some one.

~1 week later~

Its been a week since I got out of the hospital I've become closer with everyone on the bus apart from Andy who is still with the whore Juliet but I don't think it will last he keeps distancing his self away from her, but hey what can I say its her fault for cheating again like I said to her before in the hospital she's nothing but a whore and a cheat. So I've been stuck on the bus lately and haven't been able to look around all the destinations we've been at so I'm going out today to look around some of my favourite bands are here like sleeping with sirens and pierce the veil.

I slowly got out of bed and got dressed into some black ripped skinny jeans, a pierce the veil T-shirt, sleeping with sirens hoodie and some black combat boots with the joker on one side and batman on the other I then put on some light makeup eyeliner, mascara and lipbalm, I then straightened my as some red and blue hair then teased it a little then pulled on a black beanie, I looked one more time at my appareance ohhh I look hot, I'm too hot, hot dayum call the police and the fireman, I giggled too myself why is that song in my head oh well, before I left I put my crew badge on around my neck then left the bus but not before getting stared at by Andy oh well its his fault for losing this I mentally pointed to my body I then smiled and got off the bus.

I had only before I stopped and my eyes widen about 3 metres away from me was oh my jinnx kellin Quinn and he was heading my way with a smirk on his face, he stopped right in front of me "and who might you be beautiful" he asked standing all sassy in front of me "My names I...Indigo S...Skylar" I quickly looked down to hide my blush as I heard him chuckle "badass my name Is kellin but I'm guessing you already new that, nice hoodie" I looked up at smiled "thanks kellin and yea I'm a big fan, your music helped me out at the hardest times" I said weakly smiling at him but to my surprise he pulled me into a great big hug, I quickly hugged him back and suddenly I felt safe in kellins arms....


And there we have it another chapter and Omg kellin at the end well hope you enjoyed it next chapter coming soon enjoy 😆😆😆💜😘

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