TBWWC: So it's a deal or not?

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  • Dedicated kay Ranna Angela Lestojas Reyes

"Woah, Woah, Woah.. I've forgotten about that. Have I ever said I will get married to you?" I asked him while shaking my head side to side. "Nope" he said as if it doesn't matter if I agreed or not. "Then, I'm off" I said as I stood and went outside but sadly he stopped me before I even reached the door knob. "You will get married to me for the sake of my company" He said with a death glare. "Have you heard yourself?! It's marriage we're talking about! If I will get married to you, what will I benefit?!" I hissed quietly to him. "First, you get to have the trust of your mother, second, you will live in your own house with your own laptop, television, and food with no one to fight with and third you will live with your hot husband" He said as he smirked at the husband part. Playing along, I lifted a brow at the last one and said "Oh really, the last one seems so tempting. NOT" I said as I tried to reach the door knob. Once again, he blocked me with his big figure of his. "Dude, let me pass and I will not hurt you" I said as I sighed. "Sure, as if you can hurt me" he said not making a move. He wants war? I'll give him war. I tried to kick him where we all thinks hurt the most but he dodged it and carried me over his shoulders. "Hunter! PUT. ME. DOWN!" I said emphasizing each word. 

A girl went in the room and said, "Sir, the shoes aren't available". Max seems to think very deep when he came up with an Idea, "The dress is long right?" he asked the girl. The girl looked at me and said, "Yes sir". "Then bring in her recent footwear, it won't be seen through the dress." He said then after that, the girl left. I chuckled, "Really? that's all you can think off? I never imagined that I would be married while wearing converse" I said to him. "Well you are now, does this means you agree? cause even if you don't, you're getting married to me" He said while smiling. "Give me one year and we'll file a divorce" I said to him grumpily. "One year of 70% percent shares from The Smith is already big enough, so I agree" He said as he put me down on the foot of the bed. I raised my hand for him to shake it and the deal was made.

The Smith : It is the company of her mother 


Bedroom at the right ----------------> 


The Bride Who Wore ConverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon