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After a few weeks, I started to realise that telling my potential bosses my name was not a good idea. For some reason, my last name is like a taboo around here. I started to change my name to Elise Buckworth instead. True enough, I got a job at a local cafe the moment I said my new name. I decided the plan will be better if I started to disguise myself. There are few ideas I would like to try, like wearing a wig or just wear a glasses and tie my hair all the time. So I chose the latter. It's easier and less nuisance.

I was really happy when my new boss Ashlynn hired me because at this particular cafe, the workers and the customers love to talk. I mean, LOVE to. It's easier to find out more about this town.

On my first day, I discovered that the people around here worship, yes worship this particular family. And I have yet to find out what's the name of that family. Apparently, this family is super loaded and powerful. According to the things that I've been listening to all day, they are a true definition of a perfect, wealthy family.

When I heard more about this family, it reminds me of that kind of relationship that I once had with my father and Daria's family. It saddens me that they can't recognised me anymore. Yeah, my hair has grew longer and I'm taller now but mom always told me I looked like my father because of my eyes and nose.

"Elise! Elise! What do you think you're doing?!" I heard Ashlynn yelling at me snapping me out from my day dream. By now I would think I would be able to stand her constant yelling and her rudeness. But no. I can't, it's just plain rude. But she can be nice sometimes. Maybe when her boyfriend is around. Which is once in a blue moon. You'll just never know.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't realise! I'll clean it up!" as I saw coffee that I was supposed to be pouring spilling out from the cup. The customer just shook his head saying it's fine, I just gave him a small smile and gave him another fresh cup of coffee saying it's on the house. But hey, it's not actually, it's from my paycheck.

Working late at night has its perks. People who comes by around midnight are those people who works late. Mostly for THAT wealthy family. Usually when they dropped by, they would always tell how their day went. Complaining about their job, especially about their boss's daughter.

"Damn she's a brat! She just walks into the office and just start throwing tantrum as if she's in her room! And it's all because of her credit card won't get through. Seriously?!" Said one of the regular customer.

"I know! I can't believe Alex got fired when he is only trying to make her shut up!" Ashlynn said with fury.

"It doesn't matter, they own this place. We just have to accept it."

"I wish his daughter would come back, you know? From the first marriage. That'll make their perfect little family be damned."

"Like that's gonna happened. Don't you know how they spread the news not to give anyone with the last name Jaunt to work? .'

I almost dropped the cup I was holding when I heard that. Could the family be my family? It just doesn't make sense. We were never wealthy enough to be considered powerful.

How is that possible? Did dad do something illegal? Last I checked we were almost bankrupt and almost on the verge of becoming poor? At least that's what mom says whenever I asked her about dad and why he's not giving her the alimony.

There's too many secrets and lies being kept away. Secrets that I want to know. That could hurt me if I know.

I left work after midnight. It was too late to visit mom and I have school tomorrow. I could only wish my life would have been different. Big house, big bedroom, well at least a bed for myself, my parents are still together. It saddens me how my mother is the happiest when she's with dad or whenever she talks about him her whole face lightens up. Her eyes sparkles and she seems to forget that dad broke her heart. She seems to accept it. That is how strong her love towards him. I could only wish I would feel that way about someone.

As soon as I opened the door, looking around the house, something was not right. Obviously, cause the house has been trashed. Everything was a mess! I have no idea what this person has been thinking. Clearly we have nothing valuable, what does 'he' want from here?

After cleaning up the house, I realised the photo of my family was gone. Immediately I sense that I knew who did this.

The phone rang suddenly, I picked up only to hear a bad news. I real bad news that could change my life forever. It's over.

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