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That morning, the birds chirping and the shiny bright sun woke me up. 'What a beautiful day. I hope everything goes well today.' I thought to myself. I laid out a black over sized sweater and a baggy jean and went to shower. As I was feeling good, I shampooed my hair and even try to curl it. But like always, I would fail miserably. I tied my hair into a messy ponytail and went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I saw the pizza from two nights ago were still there. So, I decided to finish it off. While eating, I realized that there was a radio beside the microwave. Feeling giddy, I went to switch it on and started singing along to the song that was playing.

After cleaning the house a bit and washed the dishes, I get into my car and started to drive to school. It was not that far from the apartment. I had a feeling that this neighbourhood is going to be really homey.

After a few turns and lost for a while, I finally saw a big cream coloured building that says WHO HIGH SCHOOL. ‘What a name!' I thought. I quickly parked my car in the students’ parking lot and found that many eyes were staring at me. Self consciously, I almost ran into the school only to realise that there were more eyes staring. I kept on walking, searching for the office. I was lost for a good half an hour. I was becoming more frustrated. And I thought it was going to be a good day! What upsets me the most, no one, I mean NO ONE helped me. They just stare. After another 10 minutes, I finally saw the office and went there.

"Hello! I'm new here." I said to the receptionist.

"So? What do you want me to do? Give you a hug? "The snotty receptionist said.

"No. I want my schedule." I said hesitantly.

She gave me the face. "You are?"

"Elise Jaunt"

She typed something while chewing the gum. I kind of find it annoying.  After a few minutes later, she printed something.

"Here!" She gave me the papers.

"Thank you!" I gave her a smile. 

She faked hers. I saw the meaning of WHO high. It stands for Willion Hoffman Ostrc High School. I chuckled at the weird name.

Oh well. I made my way to my first class. AP Biology, Mr. Logan, Room 14.

 "Hello! You're new?" said my new AP Biology teacher.

'No shit, Sherlock!' I thought. "Yes. I'm Elise!" I said to him.

"Hello Elise! You're new and early! I like that" Said the new teacher.

"Okay. So, where can I sit?"

"Well, next to the window there. But really I don't think they'll mind you sit anywhere."


I made my way to my new seat and started to take out my note pads and a pen and a pencil. I started to draw out my feelings. I felt like someone was staring at me. And when I looked up, II noticed that Mr. Logan was staring at me curiously. I brush it off. It's kinda uncomfortable with him staring intently like that. It's like he's trying to figure me out. A few minutes later the bell rang. But no students came in. 'Weird.' I thought. I continue with my drawing. 10 minutes later, people start to come in.

"OH! That's why he stared" I whispered to myself.

I felt like someone just sat next to me. "Who?" He said.

Jumping slightly because of shock, I said nothing. Just stare. Like seriously stared at him! He must be the popular type because he's your typical kind of jock. Dark Blonde, broad shoulders, maybe 6'2"? He looks like he's quite tall if want to compare to my 5'7". But his eyes! Oh his eyes are the one that's attracting me to him. Wait, did I just say attract? No. Shock okay! Shock, Elise! No attraction. His eyes are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen! It was twinkling and dark green brown eyes. His features were sharp. 'So breathtakingly handsome' I thought.

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