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Chapter Three

I didn't go to school for the next few weeks. I know that the final exam is around the corner but I couldn't leave my mum. I feel like something bad is going to happen if I leave her side. I couldn't brush off the feeling. At least here in the hospital, they actually serve food. I know, usually when your love ones is sick, you won't feel like eating. But I have to. I have to eat. The stressor I get, the more I eat. What am I to do with this situation? I have to work in order to get money for the hospital bills. Suck as it is, the hospital is going to kick us out if we don't pay by the end of this week. They're gonna stop mum's medication too. There's not much of money left too. I was going to apply for a new job but like I said, I can't leave her.

I decided to go to school the next day. I have to. I re-applied for the job at the diner too. Thankfully, they gave me a chance. I'm starting right after school. The nurses promised to call me if there are any changes with mum's condition. They forced me enough to drive me out from the hospital and made me go to school. But I wouldn't have it other way.

Nothing happened in school. Still the same like the first day. Or..... Not. I spoke too soon. As soon as I parked my car, I saw someone came into my view. The Mystery Guy. Damn, I really need to know his name. But just I wanted to turn around, there I saw the girl who broke my heart because she betrayed me. Daria. Daria was next to him. Or specifically making out with him. That means I really saw her that night. Daria is living in the same neighbourhood as me. Questions start to fill my mind.

Is her family living with dad?

With his girlfriend? Or maybe wife? Perhaps new family? With kids?

Do they know about my mother?

Does mum know about this?

Should I tell her?

What would she do if she saw me?

Act like she doesn't know me?

Should I just go home?

Why didn't I see her before?

Is she a new student too? She can't be if she's practically eating that guy's face?

These are the questions flooding into my mind. Questions that are making me dizzy. I felt the pain they have caused me years ago. I buried them. And yet, they're resurfacing. I heard the bell rang. The bell that felt like the wake-up-call to me saying, she may not care. How could she care? After all I'm sure she didn't feel anything when she said she regretted being friends with me.

I made my way to my class. Mr Logan. AP Biology. He seemed surprised seeing me when I step in to his class. Quickly, I went to my seat by the window. I was staring outside the window when I felt someone sitting next to me. Instantly, I knew who it was. The Mystery Guy. He didn't say anything for the rest of the class until 15 minutes before the class ends. That was when Mr Logan said to us that we can do whatever to kill time and leave when the bell rang.

"Hello" He said to me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. Dumbly, I replied, "Hey"

"Okay. Maybe we got into the wrong start. So let me introduce my name. Hello, my name is Blade."

Blade. Blade. Blade. He sounds like a bad ass. "My name is Elise"

"Elise. I like that. Pure. Innocent. Just like you. Anyway, I'm having a small gathering this Wednesday. Are you free?"

I blushed at his choice of words. "Small gathering?"

"Well yeah, you can come and I'll introduce you to my friends. They would love to get to know you."

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