Mate (Pray)

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A/N: sup fucking losers, it's been a few months hasn't it 👨🏽‍🦯 the requester went "fuck no" but they know who they are. Enjoy this absolute shit fest or whatever.

Warning(s): Omegaverse-ish, heats, possession, biting, bruises, cursing (duh lmao)


Going camping so close to a heat cycle was neither of their best ideas, but of course, neither of them expected for Palette's heat to arrive earlier than usual. They both preferred to mate in quiet and in the comfort of something familiar. And most decidedly not in a shitty tent in the deep middle of a secluded forest.

It was rather normal for Palette to overheat at night, regardless of how cold the air was. As it was, the breeze drifting in from the netted sections of the gaudy neon tent held a crisp of the cold winter air despite it being just the beginning of summer. The short skeleton struggled out of his boyfriend's grip, his body heat rising seemingly with every second. He was still asleep, but it was the sort of restless sleep that guaranteed tiredness in the morning to come. He probably would've rolled off the overfull inflatable mattress if Cray hadn't insisted on getting a size that matched the width of their tent. Despite being now exposed to the cooler air and distancing himself from the perpetual fireball that was his boyfriend, his body continued to heat up uncomfortably. The nagging of his oncoming heat eventually crept up on him and forced him awake.

The skeleton sat up with an irritable groan, his bones already protesting to the movement. They ached to be held by their lover, their mate. That term was far out of date at this point, but it felt heavy and right in his mind. Mm, yes. He needed his mate to help him through his heat. And so he wedged himself back under the fluffy blankets and as close to his boyfriend as he could get. Oh, yes. This was where he was meant to be. Protected and safe under his mate. Yes.

Cray was stirred from his uneventful dreams by a hard press against his neck. He managed to finagle himself around to look at Palette, but he needn't have, for his scent was all he needed to experience. A deep, throbbing heat surged through him and he fought his dick for all of two seconds before giving up. His own, more dominant, instincts kicked in, and he made quick work of the bedding around them. The thicker, heavier blankets were placed on the bottom and tugged and pulled until they made the rough shape of a nest. The cushioning layer consisted of mostly their pillows, save for two, and the top layer was nothing but a few thin blankets. Cray always made sure to pack enough materials to nest with in case Palette ever went into heat. The other skeleton had been groaning and whining for him the entire time it took him to set the nest up, and he felt so fiercely overprotective of his boyfriend, he felt that he would burst if he had to spend another moment separated from him.

Cray all but tackled his boyfriend, nothing short of manhandling him into the nest. Once there, both of their brains recognized the comfort of the nest. It was generational, nests have been around for as long as romance has, it seemed. The taller skeleton tucked his heat-addled boyfriend close to his chest, curling around him protectively and growling softly in his malleus, territorial. It was mostly pointless, referring to their current location, but Cray was never one to share, let alone his mate. He watched closely, senses on edge, as Palette slowly drifted in and out of the torturous limbo of bone-tired wakefulness. Eventually, much to Cray's comfort, he managed to doze off once more. And once his mate read asleep and guaranteed safe in his arms once more, he had no trouble drifting off either. It was comfortable, but that was normal for the preliminary wave. The real thing would hit Palette full force in the morning, and while they both knew this, neither paid it much attention until it became a problem. Although, it never left them alone for long.

Cray was startled awake by rough movement against his clothed cock, and he let out a strained groan. Shit, it was too early to be doing any of this shit. But his body was begging for it, craving to feel the insides of his boyfriend. He bit his lip and began a slow, rough grind against Palette.

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