Chapter One

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It all happened so fast,
An actual zombie apocalypse that no one had assumed would actually be real. Of course no one had heard of other Countries having the same issues before, considering it was covered up so no one knew about it.

Y/n kept her eyes glued to the tv, watching the News Achar warn the whole Country about the chaos happening behind her. Of course, she had to cut the broadcast short after nearly being attacked. So all the channels were just static now, with the warning siren.

I hope she makes it out okay...
Referring to the news Achar.

"Where is father at?" Y/n stood up from the couch as she wonder where her father could possibly be at. But that question soon faded out  as there were civilians screaming in terror.
Hesitating on approaching the window, Y/n wasn't prepared for all of this to be real yet. She still wanted to believe what she saw on Tv, was just some sick joke or maybe from a tv show that was being filmed.

The screaming was just getting closer, and even the screeching sounds from vehicles were getting louder.

This really wasn't a joke, the world was actually coming to an end. Y/n pushed the curtain open to see people attacking each other. Watching them being torn apart was not a sight she was expected to see so soon. Nor one she'll ever forget..
Her home city, Cork. Was now all in flames, cars crashed into each other and some flipped over. People were running in the streets and others....were lying on the ground while those things were ripping the bodies apart.

"Get away from the window!" Y/n jumped from the sudden voice behind her, quickly turning to see her father covered in blood.

Was that his blood?

"Papa, whose blood is that?!" Y/n rushed over towards him as she wanted to check him for any wounds but he brushed her away. "It's not important right now, just get ready. We need to get out of here as soon as possible." Father headed towards the bathroom as he closed the door behind him, though it didn't shut all the way. So she could see his reflection through the mirror-between the cracked open door.

Y/n frowned her brows as she's never seen her father this dense. But it was better to ask questions later considering he was right. They shouldn't stay here and wait to die by those things.
"Y/n." Papa called for her before she could make her way towards the bedroom to pack the things she would need. "Yes?"

"Don't worry about packing anything important, there's a few refugee camps that are trying to get everyone they can to safety and out of the Country. So we'll be heading there."
Refugee Camps?

"Did you hear me?"

"Yes Papa, I heard." So it was best to just change into something more suitable for running and possibly fighting. Y/n headed towards her room, closing the door behind her. She was going to turn the light on, but that's when the power outage happened.

Y/n stared into the dark room of hers, sadden that this was the last time she'll ever spend in her room. Pulling out her cell phone, as it was the only source of light for her to get around.

Grabbing a pair of sweatpants, a tank top and sweater.

Hopefully she wouldn't have to come face to face with one of those things or have to fight. Maybe they'll make it to the refugee camps as soon as possible? Y/n was distracted from her thoughts when she heard a knock on her door. Glancing to see her father coming in. "Papa, we will be able to make it out of here safety, right?"

Papa stared at her, as much as he wanted to tell her the truth. He just couldn't bring himself to do so. "Yeah." He lied.
Biting the inside of his cheek as he sat down on her bed, pulling out a pistol which caused his daughter to gasp. "Why do you have that? I thought we just established we'll get out of her safely?" Y/n narrowed her eyes at him.

"I didn't say we wouldn't be fighting though." He looked her dead in the eyes, seeing the fear building up in her.
Why did she have to be so soft hearted?
"Take it." He shoved the pistol into her hands, as she tries to refuse it.

"Papa, I don't want to hurt anyone."

"YOU HAVE NO CHOICE ANYMORE! Those things out there, they aren't human anymore!"

"But they once were!"

"Don't let that get in your head! When you come face to face with one, please don't hesitate Y/n. If you can't bare to shoot them, at least run as fast as you can. Because those things don't care, they have nothing left anymore. It's just a rotting corpse that wants to feed on flesh 24/7." Papa glared at her, but soon soften his gaze.

Y/n didn't respond, she just stood there in a daze.
"I don't even know how to use this Papa..." her father frowned as he stood up. "You cock back this part of the pistol, then you'll aim for the head and shoot." He demonstrated, but of course he had it on safety. "Do you get it?" He asked, seeing his daughter slowly nod her head. "Yes."

"Alright then." He handed the pistol to her.

"Let's start heading out." Papa headed towards the door but stopped to look at her. "Put your hair up please. You don't want it to get in the way."


The car ride was silent, it was also amazing how they managed to get past all of those things without having any problems.

Y/n stared out the window as they took the back ways to get to one of the refugee camps.

"I'm sorry for all this Y/n, I really wish you didn't have to come home to this mess." Papa was apologizing for something that wasn't in his control at all. "Papa, there's no reason to be sorry at all. This isn't your fault at all. No one is responsible for a virus breaking out." Y/n tried to ensure him, but his reaction didn't seem to change. It just looked sour.

"That's where you're wrong Y/n..." He mumbled under his breath. "What?" Y/n tilted her head, confused to what her father was trying to say. "It's nothing, just rest for now. We'll be at the camp shortly." Y/n kept her eyes glued on father, seeing his troubled look.

There was something he wasn't telling her.

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