Chapter Fourteenth

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Last Encounter

The pair sat there in silence, one of them had fallen asleep. Though Leon would have argued and said it was a quick nap, but it's been a whole hour. Nothing from the male yet.

Y/n glanced at the male as she spotted the hair strands that were brushing over his eyes. Apart of her didn't know what was coming over her as she just begun reaching out. Wanting to push the strands back, but knowing how short they were. It would have probably fell back into place.

Slowly brushing his hair to the side, admiring how handsome his features were. Only to feel a hand around her wrist now.
Y/n flinched as she locked eyes with the male. "What are you doing?" His voice was very rough from being rudely awaken by her. "I-I was just going to ..." She trailed off with her words. "Going to do what?" He questioned again while letting her wrist go.

"Wake you up." She lied while standing up quickly to stretch out her legs from sitting down to long. Which was all thanks to Leon for taking such a long snooze.

Leon knew the girl was lying, but he wasn't going to say anything to spark an argument with her. Though he was going to at least question her once more later on.

Once he stood up from the floor, he also took a few stretches. Staring at Y/n while she had done them. His eyes falling to wear they shouldn't have. Which of course they would, he's a man after all. A single man sadly. Looking away from her as he headed towards the door that shockingly nothing tried getting through.

"There should be an exit farther down, which should take us back to where we had originally came from." Leon explained while taking the chair away from the door as he glanced over at Y/n who looked more roughed up than before he had met her. Noticing the scratches on her face along with dirt.
"What's wrong?" She rose a brow while questioning the male who dazed off while staring at her. "Are you falling for me?" This time it was her turn to smirk;  raising her brows up. "Never." He replied too quickly, as he opened the door and headed out first.

Following him behind as she looked back at the collapsed room. Surprised that she had lived through that whole situation without dying. Though if Leon weren't there, she would have died for sure. Turning around to see Leon was already far up ahead.

Damn long legs.


"We finally made it back!" Y/n smiled while slightly jogging in the shallow water that reached up to her ankles. Though she felt herself being pulled back, which turned out to be Leon holding her wrist.
"What are you doing now?" Y/n knitted her brows in confusion.
"We aren't alone." He simply stated. Pulling his gun out as he stepped out from the tunnel. Looking around the area to see what was lurking, but there was nothing to be spotted, which confused him.

Maybe he wasn't looking hard enough or...

He felt something drip on his face as he slowly looked up to see the same enemy that had fallen down with them earlier. "We meet again." Leon remarked while quickly jumping out of the way as the enemy landed down roughly. Water splashing up and around the area.

Causing Leon and Y/n to both get drenched.

"Leon! W-what the hell do we do?" Y/n shouted at him. Panicking as she really hoped they wouldn't encounter this stupid thing again.
"You don't do anything, but get the hell away from here now!" Leon yelled back as he pulled out his other weapon, which was his shotgun. His eyes darted all around the squid, trying to find anything that could be a weak spot.

Once he did, he begun shooting at the squid causing the squid to screech in pain. Leon loaded his shotgun back up while circling around the creature. Being sure to not get caught by it's tentacles. After all, he didn't need more poison injected into him.

Rolling over as he aimed the shotgun at the next weak spot.
Another screech echoing throughout the entire underground base they were trapped in.

"Leon!" Y/n called out as she pointed towards a tentacle coming his way. He wasn't able to dodge it as he went flying back into the wall. His shotgun flying to who knows where.

Y/n looked at Leon from afar as she watched the Squid inch closer to him. "Come on Leon, wake up.." She mumbled while looking around for any object to find. Crouching down to look around in the water for a pebble of some sort. Once her hand came across a small stone, she picked it up and aimed it just right.

"Hey Ugly!" She shouted while tossing the stone at the back of the Squid. Well, if you'd really call it a back.

The stone did really catch its attention, which wasn't the best idea for Y/n since she wasn't sure what to do now.  Would a handgun even protect her in this situation?

Come on think Y/n!

Y/n took notice of the squid getting ready to attack as she quickly rolled over to dodge it. "Damn it." She roughly spoke while standing back up, kicking something in the water that seemed to be familiar to her. Quickly reaching in the water to grab what appeared to be Leon's Shotgun. She knew one day she'd have to learn something on her own, just never expected it to be another weapon. Leon was knocked out, and they were both facing death right now. How hard could it be? It's like using a handgun, right?

A large tentacle catchers her off guard. Knocking the girl off her feet as she hits the back of a large rock. Grunting in pain as she glared at the squid. An idea forming in her head as she spotted the bridge above the squid. Noticing there were also no other weak spots that Leon was shooting at. That must mean the weak spot was inside where she needed to get to.

Y/n picked up the shotgun again that had fell from her hands; as she runs towards the Squid having to dodge all its attacks it throws her way. Making her way towards the ladder as she quickly climbed up it. Watching the ladder get knocked down from the Squid slamming its tentacle against it.

"That's right, keep your eyes on me." Y/n spoke to it as if it understood her. She made her way towards the overview where the bridge was connecting towards the other side. It seemed she'd need to find away for the squid to get up close so she could shoot the weak point inside.
She begun taunting the creature by moving her arms around and also pretending she didn't notice him.

The Squid was working up all its energy to charge up at her. It's mouth gaping open as it finally launches its self up towards her.
Y/n could only hope this works out the way she planned it.

Leon on the other side, was starting to become conscious again as he had heard a lot of commotion going on. Knowing that he was still alive concerned him a lot about Y/n. Slowly opening his eyes to see the creature that once he was fighting was now charging towards Y/n who stood in the very center of the bridge.

The last thing he saw, was her aiming the shotgun before the Squid blocked his view. Only assuming the worst as he stumbled to feet.


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