Chapter Six

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The Sewers

The walk was long but it wasn't that far to the sewers, unless their fate would be unfortunate, as there could be a fire, or collapsed buildings blocking the path. Anything really could happen, so who can really say if they're lucky or not?

Maira stopped when she heard something from the side of her, but nothing was there when she had looked. It sounded as if there was heavy breathing coming from an animal. Not a dog, but something bigger. "Is something wrong?" Leon was way ahead of her now, but had stopped in his tracks when he noticed Maria was falling behind.
"It's nothing! I just thought I heard something was all." She replied while catching up to him.

"If something seems strange to you, don't be hesitant about it and just tell me what you think you see or hear." Leon spoke smoothly as if he's been through this multiple times, which he had been. Though she or anyone else here wouldn't know that. For Maria, this was a first timer.

"We're almost there." Leon added only to stop in his tracks while holding his arm out in front of Maira. "What is it?" She asked a little scared. He didn't reply as he was listening carefully. The corner of his eyes then caught something charging towards them. Leon pushed Maira out of the way as he pulled out his gun and shot at the mysterious form.
A loud whine escaping from the creature as it's body collapsed to the ground. Though it still was moving, as Leon watched the legs twitch ever so slightly.

"What the hell is that?!" Maira stood up from the ground as she stared at the torn skin all over the animal.

"It's a dog, well what used to be one that is." Leon replied. The dog had been injected with something to make it large in size and have stones grow out of its sides. The dog like creature slowly got up from the ground, Leon held his gun as he was ready to fire again. However, it ran away from them. "Why did it run from us?" Maria stood closer to Leon, one brow raised as she was very confused. Clearly that thing wanted to kill them, but instead it just got up and ran off. Which Leon was also confused, he didn't even have an answer to her question. Though soon they both got the answer as they heard a loud scream from the direction the dog ran off to.

Maira glanced at Leon as they both nodded and ran towards the person who screamed. It was two blocks down, until they finally made it in time which was shocking.

A girl, at least about in college. Was defending herself with a trash can lid. What was shocking, is that she wasn't dead yet. Leon pulled his gun out at the dog. Aiming for its head as he shot it three times to be sure it would stay down. Once it collapsed he put his gun away and looked towards the frighten girl.

"Are you alright? You aren't hurt or anything are you?" Maira started asking questions as she walked over towards the girl. "I'm fine, just it came out of know where." The girl replied while still trembling. Her eyes were still glued to the dog.

"What's your name? I'm Maria, and that's Leon over there." Maria introduced herself while holding her hand out to shake. The girl stared at her for a moment; slowly bringing her own hand up to shake. "Y/n..." She replied while letting her hand go.

A loud crash caught their attention as they walked around the corner quickly. There was more of those infected dogs. "We should hurry." Leon said as he looked at the two. He would suggest Maria to take Y/n back but there was no way they'd both survive on their own.

"The sewers entrance is that way though..." Y/n spoke up as Leon looked back to see the lid in the middle of the road. How'd he miss that?

"They're to close to the entrance, we'll just have to find another way." He said while also wanting to ask why she needed to go into the sewers. And how did she exactly know there was an entrance there? Was she a spy? All he knew was that he had to keep a close eye on her for the time being.

"Um Leon, I do have an idea, but you'll have to trust me on this though." Maria took off her dog tags, handing it to him. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm going to create a distraction. See that building over there? One of the windows is opened, I can get through there and hope to be able to find another room to wait them out. And don't complain about how I shouldn't do this. I took this job to protect the people and risk my life for them. So make sure my life doesn't go in vain and you find that bastard." Maira gave a small speech.

She came off as a timid and shy woman, who only joined the force to be close to someone. But he had her all wrong. Maria was strong willed and does whatever it takes to protect the citizens first.
"There's no ne-" Leon was going to protect her plan but she cut him off. "Do not try to talk me out of this one, I'm capable of handling my own. Besides, I should be able to get past them easily without getting a scratch." Maria winked at Leon as she turned her back towards them.

"Now get going, and protect the girl!" Maira started running out of hiding. She made sure to scream out to the dogs so they'd chase her.

Leon then took the chance to hurry over towards the sewers entrance. "Come on!" Leon shouted at Y/n who jumped from being out of focus. Leon lifted the lid up as he gestured for Y/n to go down first, so she did. Shortly after he followed behind.

"It's dark." She mumbled while Leon turned on a flashlight. Her eyes closing from the brightness until it slowly started to adjust.

"Better?" He asked while she nodded.

"Why were you out there all alone? For someone who hasn't been around this, you have no injuries...." Leon scanned her body, only to see the small scrap on her knee. "It's just a scrape, I promise I'm not infected." Y/n explained herself quickly.

Y/n stared at him wondering if she should trust him and explain why she was all the way over here. "I heard there was a safe house this way." She answered his first question, which was true but not really the whole reason to why she was here. Leon knew something was off since she didn't look him in the eyes. Though it could have been her being scared. He was a stranger to her after all.

"We should get moving, there could be anything down here. So it's best we don't find out." Leon stated as Y/n tensed up.


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