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    It school time. The daughter had to go to school or she'll never go to college. The mother informed the principal that she is blind and asked permission to bring her loyal dog to school so the dog can guide her where to go. The principal allowed this and informed the teachers who teach the daughter.
     The daughter and her loyal dog got out of her mother's car and went inside the school. Her dog guided her to her locker. She put her things in the locker and closed it. The dog guide her to her class and the dog guide her to her desk, which is in front of the classroom.
    Class has started and the teacher introduced the daughter and told the class that she's blind. The teacher then gave the daughter a special book which has braille.
     At lunch, the daughter stayed at her desk. She then felt a tap on her shoulder. She hummed letting the person know that she's listening. The person asked if she wants to be her friend. The daughter, of course, said yes.
       A few days later, Quinn and the daughter become great friends. The daughter asked if she could go to the bathroom. The teacher gave her a pass and she and her dog go to the bathroom.
    Once she's in the bathroom finished doing her business, she felt someone is pushing her away. She got up and washed her hand calling for her dog. The dog handed her the leash and let her dog lead her back to her class.
     Mid-way through the lesson, she felt as if someone was throwing a paper to her head. She ignored the papers that got thrown at her and tried to focus to the teacher.
   Quinn asked if the daughter was okay since she heard what happened in class. The daughter told Quinn that she's perfectly fine and went out of her classroom with her dog. Quinn was worried but it seems like the daughter needs some space. So she left her alone for weeks.

    The daughter was sleeping peacefully on her bed. When she woke up, she called out for her dog.

No response.

  She tried her best looking for her mother. She walk downstairs almost tripped. She took her time getting down the stairs and shouted if her mother saw the dog.

No response.

   She assumed that her mother already gone. She tried walking upstairs again but fell.

Her eye got poked with a needle. She screamed in pain alerting the neighbours. One of the neighbour bashed the door open too see the daughter eyes got poked with a big needle. The neighbour called 911 and told them the situation.

    The daughter is now, on the hospital bed with both of her eyes got covered with bandages. The doctor suggested she should wear a mask. A smily mask. She put it on and she felt a lot better.
   She waited for her mother to come and pick her up.
   The next day, she comes to school, fine. It's like she could see. She went to her class and sat at her desk. She then heard a couple of girls coming up to her.
    The daughter asked what do they want. The girls looked at each other and laughed. They told the daughter that they heard her loyal dog gone missing. They made jokes about who could've killed him. Then one of the girls, possibly be the leader of her group, told her that SHE'S the one who killed her dog.
     The daughter didn't say anything but mumbled something under her breath. The daughter glared at the girls and they left her alone.

     A few days later, she went to school with the mask everytime. The girls would always try to take the mask away from her face. But always failed to do so. Until they successfully pulled the mask off of the daughter's face.
    The next day, all of the girls disappeared without a trace.
    More people began to try and take the mask away from the daughter's face. That was the last time they ever see the people who pulled the mask away from the daughter.
    They noticed the pattern. Someone or something, would kill the people who successfully took the mask away from the daughter.
    Quinn told her that they can't be friends anymore. The daughter was devastated. She skipped school through out her day.
    Her mother came rushing into her daughter's room. Telling her that her friend, Quinn was murdered. The daughter wasn't ready for the information. She cried all night.
   Quinn's funeral is in a few days. She decided to kill herself by slicing her throat with her mask on. No suicide notes, nothing.
     Her mother found her dead body at 8 p.m.

    The only thing that's left of the daughter is her mask. She cried all night. After a few days, she killed herself.


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