The daughter's life is on your hand

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A/n: Don't. Cheat.

The daughter was at a train station with her mother. They both waited for the train to stop. When the train stopped, they got in. The daughter hugging tightly to her stuffed bunny on her left hand and holding her mother's hand in the other. They found a seat and sat. The daughter fell asleep.
    When she woke up, she saw that the train is empty. She got off of her seat and walk away from the train with her stuffed bunny. She was still at the same place when she and her mother got in.
    She wandered around at the train station. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She shouted hoping anyone would answer her. Well, she didn't really need to shout. By just her small voice but just a little shouting, her voice would echo through the train station.
    She shouted again. No response. She wandered around again and called out to someone. No response. Then, she spotted a boy who looked like her age, hiding behind one of the pillars. "Hi!" She said, while waving at the boy. The boy waved back.

"Why are you hiding?" The daughter ask as she approached the boy. The boy didn't respond. "Do you want to be my friend?" The daughter asked the boy, holding out her hand. The boy hesitantly took it and smiled.
     The boy looked pale. Almost like he's a ghost. The daughter talk and talk while the boy just listened contently.
    They both then wandered around the train station, hands hold onto each other.
    After a few hours of wandering around, they both found 3 doors.

Door 1:
Colour: Red

Door 2:
Colour: Purple

Door 3:
Colour: White

They both stood there, thinking which door to go through. The boy pointed at the white door. The daughter of course, didn't want to go there. She's still curious about what's behind the other 2 doors.

Pick your door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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