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«2 months later»

"Look at my little one growing" Madelaine gushed rubbing Vanessa's baby bump. "Don't we find out the gender at today's appointment?"

"Y-yea" Vanessa nodded.

"What time again?"


"Ok" Madelaine smiled kissing V's stomach.

During these two months Vanessa began to start feeling down and stress for obvious reasons.

She's been sneaking away to the guest bedroom to cry for the mistake that was made.

"I just can't wait till little one is born so you can teach me everything I need to know"


"I'm so ready! Just what five more months"

"Yep, you'll be holding a newborn" Vanessa whispered.

"I can't wait to see my gumdrop" Madelaine whispered rubbing her hand on Vanessa tummy.

"Me too"

"So I was thinking want to do a gender reveal?"

"Not really, I'd like to know once I'm at the appointment" Vanessa whispered rubbing her stomach.

"Why? We could get you mom and sister to get it set up"

"Mads they moved to Canada to be more close to family. Plus I haven't talked to them in a while"

"Well we have lili and Camila" Madelaine smiled. Vanessa shook her head no. "Why don't you want a gender reveal for? You had one with the others three why not this one? I want a gender reveal. I haven't been to a reveal in years and on top of that I wasn't here for rivers reveal" Madelaine said getting off the bed.


"Do you want the child by me? I bet if it was kori who got you pregnant you'd do everything he said but with me it's different. Why are you treating me like this Vanessa? I've been nothing but helpful to you, watching the kids when you would go hang out with your friends. But you treat me like this. This is the first pregnancy I've went through with you. I want to do everything that happens during a pregnancy but you won't let me"

"I-I'm sorry"

"Forget about it Vanessa. If you don't want a gender reveal we don't need to have one" Madelaine sighed grabbing her phone going into her closet to get some clothes and went to a different room.

Vanessa let out a few tears as she sat up. She wiped her face and look at the time seeing it was 2:18pm.

She got up and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Nessa waited for the water to get warm as she took her clothes off.  She step in the shower and washed herself off.

After a few minutes she was out of the shower and putting her clothes on. Vanessa put her hair in a ponytail then walked out the bathroom to look at the time. It's was 2:26pm.

The brunette grabbed her phone to text lili.

V🦋: hey lili can you come over so you can go with Madelaine and I to my appointment? For the gender

Lili🌸: yea, want me to bring Camila to watch your kids?

V🦋: yes please

Lili🌸: alright, we'll be there shortly

V🦋: ok, my appointment is at 3 so be quick

𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙧 (𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now