• Introduction •

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A very sweet hello to all the respected Adults!

This is the place we are going to take the interview of the adults writers and readers on teenagers and teen problems.

These interviews would show us the different views of adults on teen and its problem. So that we can help all the  struggling teenagers in all the possible ways.

I am sure this would help all of us. TEEN_FIX Community by having more ways to solve problems of all the teenagers. Teens would be helped by having the people to share their problems and they would be able to help them in all the possible ways. And the Adults would have their experience at work.

Our Very Talented Interview Team

× Zoyakhan112005

× sidneetlover13

× authoryami

If incase you want us to take any of your favorite author interview please fill out the form below. We'll try our best to get their interview.

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( Tag Sakshidevi712 at the end of every form )

We will very soon come back with a interview of adults. Till then, take care and bu-bye.


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