XII. Fun And Mischievous

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A/N: Excuse my potty mouth, but how in the actual fuck can Choi Beomgyu be that cute?

Date: December 10th

"The wedding's a couple weeks away. We should start planning for it right now, don't you think?" One of the six wedding planners asked.

"Well... yeah, I guess..." Miyoung said.

They all started arguing over the theme, while Beomgyu and Miyoung sat there awkwardly.

"You wanna get out of here and go do something else?" Beomgyu whispered to her.

"Actually, I was just gonna go up to my room. We can let them do this."

"I'll come with yo-"

"No! No, just... just go to your room, okay? Love you," she smiled, kissing his cheek before running up the stairs to her new room.

He sighed. She had been really sneaky and distant lately. But as early as it was in their relationship, he loved her. She was so much like him.

When it came to interests and personality.

He ended up adoring her way more than he thought he would for a relationship that he was kind of forced in to.

Date: December 12th

"Your Highness, can you go get Princess Miyoung? We need her to try on wedding dresses," one of the planners said.

Beomgyu nodded and left to go upstairs. He hadn't really talked to Miyoung a lot lately. She was always in her room, rarely coming out for anything other than food.

He assumed she was just moody, so he never asked her about it.

When he got to her room, he knocked, but there wasn't an answer. So he opened the door, eyes widening when he saw Miyoung having sex with one of the guards.

"Beomgyu!" She gasped when she saw him, immediately, pushing the man off the bed and covering herself up with the blanket. "You-you said you weren't ready."

Beomgyu wasn't ready.

He wasn't ready to even kiss anyone who wasn't Taehyun.

Tears brimmed his eyes and he stormed out. The hallways were blurry and as soon as he got to his room, he took his crown off and threw it on the ground.

Everything was keeping him from having that black crown. That title.

Everything was keeping him from saving his kingdom.

He didn't just want to marry anybody. He wanted to marry someone he cared about.

And she cheated on him.

Pacing around his room, he felt like his lungs were closing in on him. Like his heart was legitimately breaking. He threw himself on his bed and screamed into his pillow, crying... and crying... and crying...

Genuine heartbreak.

He sniffled, bringing his hand up to wipe his red and puffy, tear stained face when he heard someone walking up the fire escape. He walked over to open the door, looking down at the ground so whoever it was couldn't see his bloodshot eyes.

"All the kids I lived with got adopted and my sister moved out. Now I'm... I'm alone." Beomgyu looked up, seeing the look of concern on Taehyun's face. "What happened?"

"Sh-she cheated on me." Taehyun walked through the door, ready to have a confrontation when Beomgyu grabbed his wrist. "You c-can't do anything," he said, choking when the tears started falling more violently. "You can't hurt her. She's a princess."

"I wasn't gonna hurt her. I was gonna hurt whoever she cheated on you with."

"He's a guard," Beomgyu shook his head. "It's not worth it."

His tears calmed down a bit until Taehyun looked at him. The younger looked so sad, broken, and Beomgyu's lips started quivering.

"No, no Beomgyu. It's okay," he said, cupping Beomgyu's face in his hands to try to calm him down. "It's okay. We'll be okay."

"I don't wanna marry her."

"I know."

"She cheated on me."

"I know."

"But I have to marry her or else this kingdom will turn into a Dictatorship!" He cried, collapsing into Taehyun's chest as tears fell from his eyes again.

No, Taehyun thought.

"You're so selfless," Taehyun whispered, comforting the hysterical boy in his arms. "You're so tired and broken, yet you're willing to live a life of emotional abuse just so these people can be happy and free. You don't deserve that."

"B-but I *hiccup* need to."

Taehyun sighed and ran his hands through Beomgyu's soft brown hair.

"No, you don't need to. If the offer still stands, I'll do it."

Beomgyu pulled away from his chest to look at him with teary eyes.


"I'll marry you, Choi Beomgyu. If it means you don't have to marry a cheater."

His lips started quivering again and he shook his head. "But you don't want to."

"I'm not ready to become king yet, but that won't stop me from being able to become one. I don't care about whether I'm ready. I care about you. I'll marry you if it ensures your happiness."

When Beomgyu didn't say anything, Taehyun just leaned in to kiss his parted lips, smiling when the older immediately started kissing back.

They both needed each other.

"Do you wanna... do something?" Beomgyu asked, pulling away.

"Like what?"

"Something... fun, and... mischievous."

Taehyun giggled and nodded, leading to Beomgyu grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room.

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