XIII. Take Me To The Stars 🔞

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A/N: This is your smut warning. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.

"Where are we going?" Taehyun asked as Beomgyu happily skipped through the halls.

"I don't know. We're just having fun!" He yelled in the main foyer where there were only guards.

"I'm still kind of awkward-"

"No need to be. You're gonna live here soon anyway."

He was a giggling mess and he kept running throughout the building with Taehyun slowly following behind. They ended up making it to the kitchen and Beomgyu took two cupcakes that were on a table.

"One for me, and one for my king," he said, making Taehyun smile and shake his head.

They walked out, hand in hand, and walked downstairs to the basement.

"What's down here?" Taehyun asked, throwing his cupcake wrapper in a trash can.

"A bunch of old stuff. Like cars and boxes." He looked at Taehyun and giggled, wiping the frosting off of the boy's nose and then sticking his finger in his mouth.

"So silly."

Beomgyu shrugged and ran to one of the old cars, sitting on the hood of it and kicking his legs a little bit.

"You're the one who had frosting on your nose."

Taehyun chuckled and nodded, walking over. "You know, I temporarily dyed my hair brown to see if I would like it. But I think I look better blonde."

"Hm... I would've liked to see that. But I agree that blonde hair looks amazing on you."

He sat in the backseat of the car and Taehyun sat in the front seat, both of them bursting out in laughter from how funny the whole situation was.

"Where would you like to go today, Your Highness?"

Beomgyu giggled and reached forward to brush Taehyun's hair out of his eyes.

"Take me to the stars," he whispered in the younger's ear. "I've never been there before. I want you to be the one to do it to me. Will you take me to the stars for the first time, Kang Taehyun?"

Taehyun immediately got out of the car to join him in the backseat, smashing his lips against Beomgyu's and making him whimper quietly. Hands roamed everywhere and Taehyun was soon unbuttoning Beomgyu's suit, leaving hickeys all over his neck and soon, his chest.

"N-nobody's ever touched me like this before."

"Hm..." Taehyun hummed in understanding, letting his hands roam all over the body beneath him, taking off Beomgyu's jacket and shirt. "Do you want me to touch you?"

Beomgyu's body twitched and he grabbed Taehyun's hands to guide them into his pants, moaning softly at the feeling of Taehyun's warm hands on his skin.

"Here. Touch me here." His eyes squeezed shut and Taehyun lightly kissed him for a moment.

"It'll be easier if you're naked," he said softly and Beomgyu nodded.

"Y-you be naked too then."

One they were both stripped of all their clothing, Taehyun touched Beomgyu again. This time it was skin on skin contact, the boy's back arching off the seat from the sensitivity and Taehyun's burning hands.

"Are you okay?"

Beomgyu nodded, gripping onto the seat as Taehyun continued stroking him.

"A-ahh. Please."

"Please what?"

"Please. Need you."

He squeezed his eyes shut and when he opened them, Taehyun was hovering right over him.

"I need to prep you first." Beomgyu nodded, taking Taehyun's fingers into his mouth as the younger kissed and nipped at his neck. "So pretty. So sexy. So obedient for me." Beomgyu whined, right before Taehyun took his fingers out. "This is gonna hurt like hell."

"I know," Beomgyu nodded. "But I trust you." Taehyun smiled softly at him and he gulped when his legs were spread a little further. "Ah." He whimpered, tears brimming in his eyes when Taehyun started pushing one of his fingers in.

Taehyun instinctively leaned down to kiss him, shoving his tongue into Beomgyu's mouth to get him to focus on that instead of the pain. It seemed to kind of help ease the pain, so he kept adding more fingers until he felt like Beomgyu was stretched enough.

"Gentle?" Beomgyu asked when Taehyun positioned himself between his legs.

"Of course. Anything for you, my prince." Beomgyu blushed, wrapping his arms around Taehyun's neck when he felt the younger prodding at his entrance. "You okay?"

Beomgyu nodded.

"It just feels kind of weird."

After a few moments, Taehyun collected himself and started pushing in, trying to ignore the cries and near screams that were coming from Beomgyu.

"So sensitive," he whispered, clamping his teeth on Beomgyu's collarbone and pulling another cry from the boy.


"I know," he said, bottoming out. "I know. But it'll feel better soon. I promise."

Beomgyu nodded, trusting him a little too much for someone he only met a month and a half ago. He adjusted himself on the seat and then nodded, his mouth turning into an "o" when Taehyun started moving.

"S-so good," he whispered, holding onto Taehyun's shoulders for dear life.

After a few minutes of panting and whimpering, it felt a lot better than before. Moan after moan came out of his mouth and his hand accidentally reached up to press against the foggy window when Taehyun moved.

"Oh my G-God Taehyun." His hand slid down, creating a long handprint, and it instead started scratching at Taehyun's back.

The pleasure was overwhelming for Taehyun too, who had to bite down on Beomgyu's shoulder to keep any embarrassing noises from coming out.

A little bit later, they were both cuddled up in the backseat of the car with a blanket around them, panting and sweating like crazy.

"Star Boy... can you sing to me?" Beomgyu asked, draping his arm across Taehyun's chest and closing his eyes.

"What song?"

"I don't care. I just want you to sing."

Taehyun chuckled and nodded, starting so sing Ocean Eyes by Billie Eillish that immediately had Beomgyu sighing in content.

By the end of the song, they heard someone talking on the overhead speaker.

"Prince Beomgyu to the Queen's quarters. Prince Beomgyu to the Queen's quarters."

They got dressed, although it was kind of hard because of the little room they had, and they got out of the car.

"Duty calls," Beomgyu giggled, hugging Taehyun tightly. "I'll walk you up to my room. Just wait for me there, okay?"

Taehyun nodded, holding his face to kiss him passionately until they heard a door open.

"I saw them go in here," a guard said.

Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's hand and they quietly exited out another door as four guards entered the room.

It was dimly lit and they looked around, trying to find where the prince may be.

"Guys, over here," one of them said, shining the flashlight at the handprint on the car window.

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