XIV. Insatiable

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took ages. I've been kind of busy 😭. Anyway, happy Pride Month!!! And also... DEAR SPUTNIK SUPERIORITY I FEEL LIKE IT'S GONNA BE UNDERRATED AND IT'S LITERALLY SO GOOD.

Beomgyu and Taehyun were giggling messes when they finally made it to the prince's room, kissing and holding each other like it was their last day on earth.

"I have to go," Beomgyu whispered, pushing Taehyun's hands off of him and trying to get away from all the love and affection.

"No. Just stay with me."

"I'll only be a few minutes. Stay here. I'll be back up as soon as possible, okay?"

Taehyun nodded, pouting as Beomgyu left.

He fixed his hair as he went downstairs, trying to make himself presentable as he walked to his grandmother's office. He walked into the room with a limp that the woman immediately noticed, titling her head at it.

"What did you need?" He asked, dying to get back to Taehyun.

"Well I would like to know why Miyoung ran out of the main doors crying. I would also like to know why multiple guards saw you walking around with Kang Taehyun."

He sat in the chair across from her desk. "I walked in on Miyoung and guard 109... having... sex."

"She what?"

"Yeah... and Taehyun cheered me up because I was upset. He said he is ready to become king though. So I can... I can marry him."

She sighed and took her glasses off, nodding a little bit.

"So he's the one you want to marry?" Beomgyu nodded. "Very well. As the queen, I say you should've figured this out sooner. And as your grandmother, I say... I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." He smiled and stood up, walking out to make his way back up to his room. "Taehyun..." The boy was looking up at the ceiling, probably bored out of his mind, and Beomgyu giggled. "Can we make out?"

Taehyun's eyes widened at that and he nodded, giggling when Beomgyu walked over and climbed on top of him. "You're so insatiable."

"What do you mean? You're the one who wanted me to stay in here earlier."

"Yeah, but... if you didn't leave earlier, then we could've been making out." He had a smirk on his face and Beomgyu didn't like it, leaning down to catch Taehyun's bottom lip between his teeth. "Ow!" He whined and Beomgyu giggled.

"That's what you get Brat."

"I am not a brat! And stop biting me!"

He playfully tried to get out from under Beomgyu, but the older pinned him down and stared down at him.

"You're pretty."

"I know."

Beomgyu giggled and grabbed his hand to pull him out onto the balcony.

"Let's go to that dance studio again." Taehyun didn't really want to, but he followed along anyway, going to the same dance studio down the street. "Don't sing a fast song. I'm still sore from earlier."

Taehyun nodded, blushing a bit at his words, and started singing random songs. After a little bit, Beomgyu got tired and laid on the wooden floor.

"When should we get married?" Taehyun asked.

"Well... my grandma knows about us, so she can start setting it up. I'm so excited!" He exclaimed, looking at Taehyun with pure admiration.

"Me too. I'm kind of scared though..."

"Of becoming king? Tae, it'll be fine, okay? I promise it'll be fine."

A/N: Also sorry it's kind of short. I'm just trying to update, whether the chapter is long or not.

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