Chapter 3: Every king, Needs a Queen

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As soon as she felt the sensation, everything went black. The last thing she heard was Danny reassuring her about being okay.  During her sleep, memories of her and Danny flashed by her.  Good and bad, all the love she felt for him, even the sorrow she felt on his behalf. 

Suddenly, they were back at the park, and Danny sat beside her. Her head was on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her waist. They watched fireworks in the sky, for the annual celebration of the town's founding.

Suddenly Danny turned to her with a rosebud and tucked it into her locks of hair.

"D-Danny what are you doing?!" Sam sputtered while blushing

" about to kiss my girlfriend," Danny said smiling

" girlfriend, but I thought you and-" Sam began

"Sam, I may have been with other girls, but I wasn't happy. I was happy with you, I've always had feelings for you. But I pushed them to the side, thinking it was puppy love. Don't you feel the same?" Danny asked

" well of course I do but-" Sam said

" then, why not be together? You and me, we both love each other who cares what your parents think or mine." Danny said before he kissed Sam on the lips.

At that moment Sam just gave in. She loved him and he loved her, so why hide her feelings anymore?


Meanwhile, jazz was running around what looked to be a giant maze. She needed to get out and save her little brother before it was too late.

" Jazz?" A voice asked

Jazz turned around and saw her little brother,

" Danny!" Jazz yelled before hugging him " I thought I failed you and lost you forever!"

" you didn't fail me jazz, I'm still your little brother!" Danny said hugging back as his sister sobbed

" but that ghost, and," Jazz said before sobbing harder

" I'm okay jazz, I'm here," Danny said 

"I want to help Danny, but that ghost has possessed  you!" Jazz cried

" It's still me, he isn't in control." Danny said as Jazz slowly took in his words

" he's not?" Jazz asked tears streaming down her face

Danny's gut twisted he hated seeing his sister cry, much less Sam" No."

" Oh, Danny!" Jazz said as she sobbed again eventually she passed out from crying so much

" everything's gonna be okay jazz, everything's going to be okay," Danny said

At that moment jazz gave in, her little brother promised her everything would be okay, and he was here with her.


Eventually, the 2 flowers opened, the purple rose being Sam, and the carnation-like flower being Jazz.

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