Chapter 1: Defeat

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Undergrowth growled as danny fired ice beams at the plants controlling sam.  After a few hours undergrowth had the window he needed and blasted danny with a beam of plants?

"AAAAAAA!" danny yelled as he fell from the sky.... as he did sam woke up and used the plants to quickly cath him. Undergrowth vainished along with his plants.

" danny!" jazz yelled running to her younger brother.

danny groaned as he returned to his human form

"are you okay?" jazz asked worried

" yeah i'm fine. i think." danny said rubbing his head

" where's undergrowth?" danny asked

" he vainished after he hit you with that blast." jazz said

" well that's werid." danny said

" nevermind that. let's get you home." jazz said as sam helped danny up

danny rubbed his head as they walked back to their house.

danny's parents were off for a few months to the anual ghost hunters convention.

which of course meant jazz was in charge.


later that night.........


danny tossed and turned as voices kept calling him

" daniel........we're hungry...... daniel help us.......... daniel they're hurting us....... dan....dan.....dan.........da......da....da..da da.......... da da........ da da they're hurting us ...... da dy......  we're hungry......."  they chanted

"da dy, da dy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy...we're hungry........"

danny groaned as he clutched his head.

all he could hear was trees being cut down for papper......the scratching sound of papper that they nedded, being ripped wastfuly. The mowing of the law, the cutting of  flowers in the process.... sounds he usauly hummed to.....where now a living nightmare, it hurt.

It hurt so much! the noises, the chanting, the agony, the pain.

He wanted it to stop! he nedded it to stop! It needed to stop! Couldn't they see how much pain the grass was in, from being mowed, or to a plants not being watered.

Or someone plucking the petals of a flower, for their amusement?!

would they like it, if he shaved their heads. or plucked their hairs out one by one, for fun?

no they wouldn't, they'll call him crazy!

danny groaned in agony, it hurt so much!

"daddy......daddy we're hungry.......we're hurting...........we're thirsty." they chanted

"ARAGH!" Danny groaned as his musles began to stretch and grow.....

His chest widen, his arms gain muscle, His hair grew, and any of his baby fat  he had before vainished, instead what was left. Looked to be a 20 year old man. Danny slowly stood up as his eyes opened he felt.........Good............

The next day~ 

Jazz woke up to the most confusing thing ever, Danny her little brother  was up, and was downstairs making breakfeast? But to who?! Jazz trotted down the steps to see a...... Jazz barely had enough time to be heard as her scream was unleashed before slienced by danny knocking her out.  

" one down 2 to go~" danny said as vines picked up his knocked out sister


Sam was busy tending to her venus fly trap to notice a few new vines growing on her green house ceilling. However when she did notice the vines. They had grabbed her before she could do anything. Sam was them promptly dragged to Aminty park. 

Where  she saw a giant ass tree growing in the middle of the park. Great, Undergrowth was back! Only he wasn't and Danny looked older. Also he was wearing plant clothing! Oh shit , undergrowth was posseing Danny as a new vessle. the vines were bringing every person in Aminty straight to the park.


" 2 down 1 to go~" Danny said as he pulled the vines holding sam.

Sam struggled agaisn't the vines as she was lifted up to Danny.

" MPRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" sam yelled as she wrested with the vines trying to get out of them and snap Danny out of it! It was then that sam noticed another figure laying on a flower. It was Jazz , Danny's older sister.

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