Chapter 2: Flowers

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Jazz Groaned as she woke up, on what looked like, a giant rose.

Suddenly the rose began to move as vines sprouted into the air carrying Danny up to the giant flower. Jazz tried to run, knowing that whatever was happening, was controlling her brother, and she needed to get help. 

Suddenly jazz was lifted in the air. To which the vines curled around her making it impossible to flee. 

" Why are you running from me, Jazz?" a voice asked

Jazz was turned around to be face-to-face with her brother. Who was now the same age as her if not a year or 2 older?

 Jazz tried to slither out of the vines, only for them to constrict. 

" GAH! Let me go, Danny! This Isn't you! That plant ghost is controlling you! " Jazz yelled

" How can he control me, if he's gone on to the afterlife?" Danny said

"What?! Undergrowth has to be here! If he's not, then why are you kidnapping everybody?!" Jazz asked still struggling against the vines, only for them to get tighter.

" Come on Jazz, your a college student. Isn't it obvious?" Danny said

" How is it obvious?! You're doing what undergrowth did!" Jazz yelled

" No, I'm not!" Danny yelled, " Oh forget it, it doesn't matter the vines are already in."

" what do you mean-" Jazz was cut off as she felt something stab her in the back. She turned to face her brother with a look that read. How could you?

"......It won't hurt for much longer," Danny said feeling guilty before Jazz passed out.


"Hello, Sam," Danny said


Danny sighed 

"This is the second time today! how many times do I have to say, I'm not him! And he's gone! Honestly!" Danny groaned

" I'm Not undergrowth! " Danny said with annoyance.

" then who are you, and who do you think you are by possessing Danny?!" Sam yelled still trying to fight.

" I'm me, but better!" Danny said to emphasize that. " undergrowth wasn't all wrong, but he did go about it all wrong! The planet is dying, and humans are extremely wasteful! But, by design human wants, and needs will never be able to coexist peacefully with nature. Wars and hunger will always happen, and humans, no matter how much they try, will never be able to surpass those wants and needs. plants don't have those wants and needs. By seeing and feeling what plants do, you can transcend out of want and need."


Danny sighed and shook his head, sorry sam.....but..... you're wrong.......but the vines are already in.

Before Sam could react, she felt a stabbing sensation in the back of her neck 

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