Chapter 4: Ghost zone

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Dani, had hidden when undergrowth showed up and let his 'kids' feast on the ghosts. She tried to stop him, but she wasn't as strong as danny, nor did she have his power. Most of the animal like ghosts, and enimes danny had were absorbed into undergrowth.

 After he left, dani searched for suirviors. The warden, ember, kitty, vlad, princess dora, and dessire. All surrived however more powerful ghosts, like fright knight and phariah the dark, had not due to the sheer number of ghost plants undergrowth had at his disposal.

Due to this, the ghost zone was now vastly empty. Whatever danny did to undergrowth, must have left him and the other ghosts he absorbed move on past the ghost zone.

Many other ghosts were absorbed too, which they found out much latter. The warden's prison had been completly absorbed leaving only him left. Skuller was one of the ghosts to be absorbed. This left many places in the ghost zone open for take over, and so a turf war begain over said land.

Dani in all the comotion fled to aminity park to warn danny.

Meanwhile, people where being sorted in 2 groups, who lives, who dies.

The popular kids of the highschool were already fed to the children, leaving the citzens and teachers, as well as the other kids of the highschool left. Quickly they threw many of the highschoolers into plants for feeding, while keeping the best ones around, doing the same to the citzens. Sam's parents were the first to go, since they only cared about themselves rather than sam.

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