The biology teacher.

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Quick a/n : Hey, guys. 2023 author here. I just found out my wattpad account still exists and decided to rewrite this book! I didn't fix this episode but I did rewrite the second one :) I'm not sure if I'll actually finish rewriting the whole book but I'll try anyways lol. Thanks to all of y'all readers, I love you xoxo

y/n pov

y/n doesn't talk a lot bc she doesn't have a lot of friends (oof)  :(

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It's 8 am, time for school. I packed my bags and grabbed some baguettes for breakfast. 'Gosh, I can't believe I'm in the twelfth grade. It's horrifying.' I thought to myself as I checked the calendar before leaving. After putting on a black sweater and a pair of jeans, I tied my long hair into a tight ponytail and put on my round glasses.

 After putting on a black sweater and a pair of jeans, I tied my long hair into a tight ponytail and put on my round glasses

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(this is basically what she was wearing)

I felt a cool autumn breeze as I walked to school. The weather was pretty cold today, so I slightly shivered while making my way to school. 

I hated my school so much. I got picked on almost every day. I am smart and...I work hard on my schoolwork, but it just made me an easy-to-pick-on nerd. My classmates often trip me or hides my books, and laughs at me when I fall. I sighed as I opened my classroom door and slowly trudged to my seat.

First period was biology, which is my most hated subject. I don't like my biology teacher, Ms.Rodriguez. She was a skinny old lady who often forgot things easily and had a bad temper. I waited for Ms.Rodriguez to walk into the classroom wearing her usual red high heels. However, the person who walked into my classroom was not who I expected to be.

A good looking young man stepped into the classroom. He seemed to be around 5'9 or so, and he had curly dark brown hair that went down to his shoulders. As he looked around the classroom for a bit, he began introducing himself.

"Hey, class! My name is Conan Lee Gray, you can call me Mr. Gray if you want. I will be teaching biology from today. Your former biology teacher, Ms. Rodriguez, is severely ill, and sadly, there's little chance she'll ever be able to come back. I'm 22 years old, and if you want to ask me something, come to the teacher's office on the second floor!" I almost gasped when I saw his face. Literally everything about him was so perfect. It seemed like many of the students thought the same way, since a bunch of girls were blushing and giggling when Mr. Gray finished introducing himself.

"Now, now, calm down guys." He slightly smiled, and started the lecture. "Ok, today we're going to be talking about marine biology,..." Honestly, I couldn't hear anything. His voice was so good, and his skin was so clear. He was wearing a beige sweater with some black pants, and smelled like lilac petals. After 40 minutes that felt like 40 hours, he walked out of the classroom. I was half hoping this class would never end, but it did anyways.



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