Thinking Inside The Box ~MariChat

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A/N: Nathalie-is-my-fave helped me pick out the order of these first few chapters go check her out!

Chat hopped onto Marinette's balcony. Lately, he realized Marinette barely had time for Chat anymore, not because she didn't want to see him or was because she was becoming more well-known in the fashion industry. He was proud of his Princess of course.
But it seemed that she was focusing too much on her work instead of taking a break. So he decided to plan something for her. But the thing is he didn't know what yet.
He entered Marinette's room and something caught his eye.

A box.
Chat's eyes widened at the sight of it. Curious, he leaned in to have a closer look. It didn't look like she kept anything in it. Which meant...

The box was all his...

Chat opened the box and curled up into it. Maybe after a quick catnap, he will get an idea of what to plan for his princess.
Marinette came home. It had been such a busy day for her. She just wanted to relax after she bought new supplies for her new projects. She was about to put it in the box she got earlier when she saw it squirm. Curious, she lifted the sides of the box only to see Chat Noir inside it.

"Chat?" Marinette asked.

She could tell he was half asleep, due to how dazed he looked.

"Huh?" Chat mumbled

"Can I have my box back?" Marinette asked

Chat frowns at her stubbornly.

"Nnnoooooooooooooo..... not now..." Chat said wiggling deeper into the box.

Marinette could only stare at him. She lifted him out of the box.

"Maaaaarrrrriiii" Chat whined

"What were you even doing in there anyway!" Marinette asked him after chuckling

"I was thinking inside the box." Chat grumbled

"Why?" Marinette asked him

"I wanted to think of a surprise for you!" Chat said

"You already gave me a surprise silly!" Marinette laughed

"Where?" Chat said looking around he didn't recall bringing anything with him.

"You are the surprise!" Marinette said cuddle him.

He then realized, as long as his princess was happy he was happy.


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