Rejected Heroes~MultiSpik

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A/N: This chapter was requested by Person_owo go check her out!

Marinette was studying in her room. She was lucky that no akumas or sentimonsters were attacking Paris. A few hours later, she heard a crash coming outside her window. She opened the window and saw a new akuma. Apparently this Akuma can manipulate time in all possible ways and send someone into small voids. She noticed that Shadowmoth hasn't sent an amok or something. She looked to Tikki. Then she remembered something she forgotten. Tikki was sick again and she forgot to heal her earlier. But there was no time to waste. She grabbed the snake miraculous, turtle miraculous, and the mouse miraculous .
"Mullo, get squeaky!" Marinette said as she transformed into Multimouse.
She leapt across city building looking for Nino first. She found Nino on a park bench listen to music.
Nino looked up. "Woah, A new superhero. What's your name dudette?" Nino asked
"I'm Multimouse. Ladybug's kwami is sick so she can't transform. I'm a friend a Chat Noir so she trusts me. She requested that you would use your power to trap the akuma temporarily after it's set free. " Multimouse said hoping he'd buy it.
Nino nodded like he understood but he obviously had a question of his own.
"When my transformation drops where will the akuma be held before it's purified?" Nino asked
Multimouse looked at him.
"It will be contained in a jar." Multimouse stated like it was obvious.
Multimouse coughed and imitated her Ladybug voice.
"Nino Lahiffe, this is the miraculous of the Turtle, which grants the power of protection. You will use it for the greater good. Once the job is done, I will return it to Ladybug." Multimouse said
Nino laughed. "Don't worry dudette, I know the drill." Nino said as he put it on.  He ran behind a tree in the distance and transformed.
"Meet up with Rena and Chat. I'll be back. I need to give someone else a miraculous." Multimouse said
Multimouse leapt across the city looking for Luka.
She found him by the Seine with Juleka, his sister. Luka and her decided on staying friends. He deserved better than her. Someone who could put as much effort as they could into the relationship.
Luka looked up from his guitar. He then noticed Multimouse.
"Lemme, guess you here on behalf of Ladybug?" Luka asked her.
She nodded as she held the snake miraculous.
"Well my leg has a fracture in it, so I can't fight as Viperion." Luka told her.
Juleka just looked at him like he told her the Earth was flat.
"Luka?" Juleka asked quietly.
"Sis, I promise I'll explain back at the houseboat." Luka said.
He then turned to Multimouse.
"Give Aspik another chance, I can't say second because I'm sure he went through a ton." Luka said
Multimouse eyes widened. She was not expecting this.
She found Rena,Chat, and Carapace fighting the villain.
Multimouse ran up to them.
"Viperion is in no condition to fight. His leg is broken. We have to bring Aspik back."
"Purrincess, I can wield it!" Chat Noir protested. "No, I need someone else to wield it, just in case you get captured." Multimouse said
Chat sighed. His Purrincess could be so stubborn sometimes.
Multimouse took her left to look for Adrien.
"So...Princess?" Carapace asked
"I know her civilian identity, we've been friends since Evilustrator." Chat Noir said
"Princess though?" Carapace asked again
"She's almost always on her balcony."Chat Noir said like it was the most logic thing.
Chat Noir ran when he saw Astral send a beam. He wasn't taking the chance of getting captured.
He heard Rena's laughter in the distance.
"He's such a pussy." Rena said
Carapace's laughter soon followed.
Chat Noir hid in an alley.
"Plagg, claws in." Chat Noir said
Plagg looked up at him.
"No Adrien we aren't doing this again. Don't you remember what happened last time you used the snake miraculous?" Plagg scolded
"Yes, we defeated Miracle Queen." Adrien retorted back.
"You know that's not what I meant." Plagg said
"Be quiet she's coming." Adrien said stuffing his mouth with cheese. And hiding the ring in his pocket.
Multimouse landed in front of him.
"I come here by the request of Ladybug. Adrien, will you wield the Snake Miraculous once more?" Multimouse said
"What about Luka?" Adrien asked
"His leg is fractured and is unable to fight." Multimouse said as she offered him the miraculous.
Adrien grabbed it without hesitation.
Sass then appeared I'm front of him.
"I was told my current master was injured. I suppose I will be working with you again." Sass said like a disappointed teacher
"Sass,scales slither!" Adrien said transforming into Aspik.
They returned to only find Carapace standing there.
"Carapace, where Chat and Rena?"
"He ran away like a pussy. Rena got captured not to long ago." Carapace reported
"Chat did what?!!" Multimouse panicked
When her miraculous gets fixed, oh she'll have a talk with that stupid cat.
Astral noticed Multimouse was back with a new hero. Aspik had to used Second Chance to bring back Carapace a few times. Mid-way through the battle Multimouse used her powers.
"Multitude!" Multimouse said
Half her copies went to receive a jar and lid.
Carapace and Aspik notice the beam heading toward Aspik.
Carapace was going to push him out of the way, but instead he dodged and Aspik got captured.
Aspik wandered his void. He needed to get out. A few minutes later, he got a good idea. Aspik got captured, but Chat Noir and Adrien never did.
"Sass,scales rest." Aspik said de-transforming into Adrien.
He could feel himself starting to leave the void slowly.
"Finally, you came to your senses." Plagg said
Adrien placed the snake miraculous in his pocket. He placed his ring back on.
"Plagg, Claws out!" Adrien said transformation into Chat Noir.
Chat Noir was teleport back on the battlefield.
"How did you—" Carapace started to say.
"Where the akuma?" Chat said quickly.
Astral looked tired out and almost defeated.
"It's in her hair clip!" Multimouse said
Chat attacked Astral from behind cat style.
"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir shouted breaking the hair clip.
Multimouse, merged herself together and trapped the akuma butterfly in the jar. She ran with it and hid behind a building.
Chat Noir asked, "Do you want me to drop you off at home?"
"That would be nice." Multimouse said detransforming.
Chat Noir carried Marinette to her balcony.
Chat Noir left and de-transformation behind the bakery. He put the bracelet on again and the ring in his pocket again.
"Sass, scales slither!" Adrien said transforming into Aspik.
He went onto Marinette's balcony again or at least tried.
"Hey." Aspik said hanging from the railing of the balcony.
"Aspik! You're here!" Marinette said
Marinette tried lifting him up but he was just too heavy. Its probably muscle weight though. Adrien could never be fat.
"Hold on. Promise me, you'll keep this a secret." Marinette said as she turned into Multimouse again.
"Isn't Ladybug the Guardian of the miraculouses though?" Aspik said confused
"How do you know that?"Multimouse said shocked as she lifted him up.
"I heard it from Chat Noir." Aspik giggled nervously hoping she would buy it.
"Oh. Ladybug sometimes stores the miraculouses her as a precaution. Just in case she get revealed." Multimouse lied he really hopes he didn't see the jar.
"Wanna get ice cream?" Aspik said
"Sure!" Multimouse said
So they went to André's ice cream. He was quite easy to find because they were transformed.
"Oh, what a great surprise! Superheroes have come to have my ice cream!" André said
"Technically, Aspik here is subbing for Viperion. They both wielded the snake miraculous but Viperion is better at it." Multimouse said
"And what about you?" André said with curiosity
"I'm a temporary hero who never got their identity revealed during Miracle Queen and I only fight in emergency situations." Multimouse said
"André can we please have the ice cream? But please, no cryptic soulmate stuff. I'm still getting over a break-up." Aspik said
"André gave Aspik Red Velvet And Strawberry ice cream with chocolate chips and blueberries. And he gave Multimouse mint chocolate chip and Butter Pecan. When they finished their ice creams Aspik took her back to her house.
"Aspik, this has to be one of the best days I had in a while. Although, I need the snake miraculous back." Multimouse said
Aspik returned the snake miraculous.
Once he left, Multimouse put  the snake miraculous and the mouse miraculous into the Miracle Box. She healed Tikki. She then stood up to transform.
"Tikki, Spots on!" Marinette said as she transformed into Ladybug.
She released the akuma butterfly from the jar.
"No more evil doing for you little akuma."Ladybug  said during the purification process
"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug said throwing the yo-yo in the air.
Everything reset back normal. Rena was now freed from the void. A hour later, Alya came by and returned the Turtle Miraculous.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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