Cuddle Bug~Ladrien

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A/N: Nathalie-is-my-fave helped me pick out the order of these first few chapters go check her out!

It was a quiet winter night, in the Agreste
Mansion it was December a time of cheer. Or, at least,  it was supposed to be.  Adrien sat quietly in his room drinking hot cocoa. His father would hate him for doing his homework up late at night, but its not like he could tell him he was Chat Noir. He turned around and saw a shivering Ladybug at his window.
"Ladybug, are you ok?" he asked
Ladybug shook her head.
"Ladybugs don't do well in the cold." Ladybug sniffled. She looked so exhausted.
"Why don't you come inside until you are warmed up enough to leave?" Adrien offered
Ladybug decided to take up the offer. Her parents would be extremely upset if she found out she had frostbite. Her health was more important than her modesty at the moment.
She snuggled up Adrien. He was so warm, which wasn't so surprising. His father probably got a really good heating system. Nobody could naturally be this warm.
Adrien glanced at his homework. He wanted to get it done but the savior of Paris was weak at the moment. If he didn't help her, Paris would fall to pieces. As far as he knew, Ladybug had nobody to give her miraculous to if she fell.
"Do you want hot cocoa?" Adrien asked looking down at Ladybug.
"Uhh huh..." mumbled Ladybug
Adrien left the room and snuck through the hallways. He didn't used to be this sneaky though. He got advice from a certain someone.
Adrien then realized that he didn't know if she like hot cocoa with milk or water!
She didn't seem like the person to make it with water. So he used milk instead.
After he made the hot cocoa, he went back to his room to give to Ladybug.
"Here Ladybug, take this." Adrien said handing her the hot cocoa.
Ladybug sat up to reach the hot cocoa.
"This is some of the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted!" Ladybug exclaimed
"Well everything in this house is high quality!" Adrien said
Oh my god, I sound so stupid. If only I was Chat Noir right now. Those are my better moments. Adrien thought
Once Ladybug finished her hot cocoa, she yawned.
"You should head home soon. The snow calmed down a bit." Adrien said
Ladybug looked up the blizzard she came in was now nothing but a flurry.
"Thanks Adrien. I owe you one." Ladybug said as she swung out the window. 
After she left, he started to go back into his bed until he remembered why he was up in the first place. He sighed and went back to his homework.

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