Chapter 36

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     The next morning Rick acted as if nothing had happened. It was like Shane all over again and it scared me shitless. I felt bad for Tyreese and his group. They seemed like nice people. After looking at the top bunk for a while, I finally got up. Carl was gone which was a miracle. Since I didn't want to say anything about our fight, even though I'm pretty sure everybody already knows, I had to stay in the same cell as him. Most mornings he's was already gone before I got up.

"Morning," I greeted aunt Beth who was holding a fussy baby.

"Morning Ror bear. Mind holding her while I finish making her bottle?" Aunt Beth asked. I nodded and took the sweet baby girl in my own arms. She cried loudly. 

"I can feed her," I offered. 

"Are you sure?" Aunt Beth asked. I nodded. Aunt Beth handed me her bottle. I held it to the baby's lips and she hungrily sucked it. 

"She's adorable," I smiled. 

"That she is," aunt Beth agreed. When she finished eating I burped her. 

"I can put her down to nap. Give you a little break," I offered.

"That would be nice," aunt Beth smiled. I smiled back and walked up the stairs. I rocked the baby in my arms until she was asleep. Once she was asleep, I placed her in the makeshift crib by Rick's bed. I walked into the small seating area where we ate breakfast. Everybody was discussing what to do about asshole. I mean governor. 

"Who's on watch?" Dad asked when I walked in.

"Rick is," I said causing dad to sigh.

"Damn it," he muttered. Dad stood up and walked away.

"What's his problem?" I asked mom.

"He's just frustrated," mom said. I guess now we play the waiting game. 


When dad came back after grabbing Carl, he looked very frustrated. 

"The tombs outside the boiler room are overrun again," dad said.

"That whole section had been cleared," aunt Beth said, shutting the door behind him and Carl. 

"It's a steady stream of walkers," Carl replied walking over to the table me and Grandpa sat at.

"We're wasting time. The governor is supposedly on the way and we're stuck in here with walkers," grandpa said.

"Trapped between a rock and a hard place," Carol agreed timidly.

"For the last time, running is not an option," dad snapped.

"Glenn, if the tombs have filled up again, it may just be a matter of time before they push in here," Carol said.

"If we leave, we risk everything. Our safety. The baby's safety. She won't survive out there. At least in here, we have walls around us," I said, agreeing with dad. We can't run. Not when we fought so hard to make this place home.

"The fence could give away," aunt Beth argued.

"What if one of them herds is passing through? Or settles?" Axel asked. He made a good point. If a herd did pass by and the baby cried at the wrong time, it could get ugly. But if we're out on the constant run, we won't survive. The baby won't survive.

"Can't handle that with just a few of us," Carol agreed with Axel.

"Okay. Alright, we need to scout the far side of the prison. Find out what's going on," dad said.

"You're going out there?" Grandpa asked, clear worry in his tone.

"Take a car and make it quick," dad responded.

"I'll drive," Axel said.

"No. You stay here. help with the fortifications. I'll take Maggie," dad said.

"You sure she's up with that?" Grandpa asked.

"I'll go with you," I said.

"No. You have a bad ankle. Your staying here," dad ordered. I nodded sadly and he walked out of the room.

"What's going on with him and mom?" I asked grandpa.

"They're both just frustrated. Your mom's hurt about what happened at Woodberry. Your dad's not doing the greatest either," Grandpa said.

"But I'm fine! Why can't they be fine?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. 

"Rori, your not okay. You pretend you are but your not," Grandpa sighed.

"But I am! I'm okay! I'm fine! I've moved past it and they should too!" I yelled.

"Aurora!" Aunt Beth snapped. "Don't talk to him like that. He's your grandfather." 

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go help Carol and Axel." 

"You shouldn't be on that ankle," grandpa argued.

"Watch me," I snapped. 

"Aurora, you are supposed to be resting," aunt Beth caught my arm before I could leave. 

"I'll rest when this is over." I ripped my arm out of her hold and left. Sure, I knew I should rest, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to sit around on my ass all day. I found Carol and Axel standing around and talking. They were watching Rick and grandpa. "Hey."

"Hey, shouldn't you be resting?" Carol asked me.

"I'm fine," I snapped. I have had enough of people telling me to rest. 

"Rori, your ankle is swollen and bruised. I think you should be resting," Carol said.

"She should be but she's too stubborn," aunt Beth said from behind me. Carl was there too but I paid no mind to him.

"It would be best to get off that ank-" Axel didn't get to finish his sentence before there was a bullet through his head. I stared at him in horror as he fell to the ground.

"Get down!" Carol pulled me to the ground with her. He was here. The governor was here. 



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