Why kids might want to kill themselves.

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Here are some reasons kids might want to kill themselves and why. These reasons very from all children, from parents who over-protect, to parents who under-protect, or parents who have found the safe middle ground. 

They are bored: bear with me on this one. I know it sounds completely unreasonable, but just listen. I have found that when I am bored, my mind opens up and starts to think. These thoughts may lead to suicidal ones, or thoughts of self harm.

Bullying: This is something kids'll just have to deal with. A long time ago, I thought, that the bullying caused my depression. But what it actually was, is the next one. Make sure you or you child doesn't get these two mixed up

Anxiety: It makes you constantly afraid when you're around people. Turns out, instead of some depression being caused BY bullies, it was actually the fear of BEING bullied.

Under-protecting: it makes the kids feel all alone, like they have to defend their selves. All they want is to feel love. A lack of love in childhood may cause sex addiction later in life.

Over-protecting: The kid feels different. They just want to feel like a normal kid. This can lead to bullying, and rebelling. This rebelling can lead to drug and sex addiction

Kids and teens, former depressed and suicidal adults, please comment why you are/were depressed.

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