Chapter 10 Brotherhood of beasts part 3

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Mysha snorts again. He coughs a little, before pulling a little vitae away from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Jokes aside," he clears his throat, "she does not use violence, it is under her."

He grins at Helena, somewhat reassuring.

"Rather that she gives him a fucking lewd verbally."

Rex grins a little to himself.

He hands over a packet of napkins to mysha if he wants to wipe off the blood properly.

She looks a little relieved, smiles a little back. Does not seem to have much to add to the conversation that the men next to her have. She looks around thinking.

He shakes his head with a smile at the napkins.

"It's cool." He coughs forward, clears his throat and looks up at the stars again.

Rex shrugs his shoulders and puts them away.

He glances at Helena before looking around.

"So? ..." Rex leaves the question hanging, does not know what to talk about.

Helena looks at him wondering, mildly curious about what he wants to talk about

Then she comes up with something she actually wants to know "Are you staying? Here in Gothenburg I mean."

Mysha thinks for a moment.

"I do not know." He answers honestly, puts his head down at the back of the bench with his eyes still on the stars, "We've been traveling around since I was embraced, but it was ... Apparently not always so."

Rex seems to be thinking a bit.

"I do not know ... for a little while longer. It mostly depends on how the jobs go," he says a little neutrally.

She nods briefly and looks down into the gravel again "Okay. Good to know." she sounds somewhat abandoned

Mysha looks at Helena.

"I hope we stay." He says at the end, a soft smile on his face, "This is the first city we've been to where the government has not been looking for our necks after five minutes."

She smiles faintly back. "So it's ... promising then?"

"It's good," Rex says, smiling.

"As it is now, I hope that the jobs will last and that they can stay for a year at least," he then says softly.

Helena smiles somewhat gratefully at him too. "We can hope for that then."

"It feels good to know that everyone who is like you does not want to kill me." she says with a frustrated and somewhat sarcastic amused sigh

Mysha nods in response.

"The language is a bit hard for the other two, but they are usually perfectly okay in English." He says it almost more to himself than to actually contribute to the conversation.

"Some have more ... compassion and values ​​than other monsters ..." Rex answers easily.

He shakes his head slightly and then smiles a little lightly.

"So you can count on us to hang out more times?" He says, well more asks a little amused.

"What do even vampires do when they hang out?" Helena asks a little to herself, as if she can not think of something they could do together

Mysha thinks for a while. For quite some time. He seems to have a hard time coming up with a good answer.

"... Extinguish fires that other vampires lit?" he answers, though it's more of a question than anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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