Chapter 7 Beast in the street 2

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Rex p.o.v

Rex sighs to himself and thinks. Just as he starts walking he sees the man come staggering and for some reason he stares at him. Something just seems to feel wrong and when he sees the man start following after Helena, he starts moving in their direction. Better safe than sorry.

He swears silently when he sees the man speeding up after her and starts running towards her. And then attacking her.

Rex hurries but not fast enough.

The man unnaturally quickly catches up with Helena and Rex growls loudly as he rushes forward on the slippery street. His beast partly taking over as it watches someone else trying to eat want it thanks is rightfully it's.

Rex throws himself growling at the man that's holding down Helena, his eyes are as narrow as a cat's and the yellow looks extremely yellow while his ice blue is much darker than before, about to turn black.

"Get off!" He growls roughly between his fangs while colliding with the man. Rex feels like a brick wall when he uses his beast ability to harden the body to take damage.

The man moans and growls like a wild animal with his almost black eyes as Helena bites him. He tears his hand away from Helena's jaws with yet another display of inhuman strength. He doesn't seem at the moment to care about how her sharp teeth tear up the tendons and flesh. Angry, he leans back a little, as if to get a new grip on her when Rex's body collides with his.

The man roars angrily, striking blindly with both his torn hand and his healthy one, against the new individual.

"Get away from me!" he growls in german, showing his teeth like an angry dog. However, it is clear that he has no fangs.

Helena remains in shock for a second, then she spits disgustingly and spins around quickly, struggling quickly to her feet. Not a trace of the fangs can be seen. She stands and looks at them, as if frozen in the ground.

Somehow feeling concern for the man who just attacked her.

Rex growls warningly as he stands half over the man.

"calm down!" Rex growls back in German and takes a small step back but his eyes are locked on the man.

The man breathes heavily, sinks to the ground. He growls, with his working hand shut so tightly that it becomes impossibly paler over the knuckles. It is clear that he is fighting against something, probably his beast.

"... Blut" he finally hisses in german, bites himself in the lip with blunt teeth and drives his head into the ground with a faint thump.

"What the hell ..." it's nothing more than a whisper from Helena.

Rex stares at the man as he lets the beast out on a short least to help lower the man's obvious hunger and calm his beast with his own.

"Better?" He asks stiffly, having the irritated and queasy feeling from what he just did.

"Who are you?" He then asks in german and backs away a bit more.

The man continues to breathe, heavy and strained. He just nods in response, growls a little quietly to himself before it starts to clear in his eyes. When he lies there, it is clear that the shirt under his closed leather jacket is covered in dried blood, and so is his neck.

"Mysha." The man finally hisses, a slightly tormented expression on his face. "My name is Mysha."

"Mysha .." Rex mumbles quietly to himself but does not seem to ring a bell.

"Rex" he says, staring at the man, his punk style and bloodied clothes.

"You spilled a little when you ate ..." he says a little sarcastically to Mysha before turning his gaze to Helena.

In the eyes of the beast -a gangrel storyWhere stories live. Discover now