Chapter three

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TW: Violent lanaguge and strong content

Author note: By the way guys this story does have a few changes some of it is going to be different from the program and most of it won't so basically there are different tiny details but only a tiny bit 

"Maggie, have you seen Daryl?" Maggie jumps dropping a glass on the floor "Oh shit..." she mumbles picking up the pieces of glass "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Catherine rushes over to help Maggie "Why are you up? I thought I told you to stay in bed" Maggie says "Carl's asleep so I got bored and wanted to try walking about" Catherine places the pieces of glass on the counter "Your brother headed out a while ago with Marzia" Maggie places the glass in the trash can "How long?" Catherine follows Maggie outside "This morning, he took one of our horses" Catherine sighs "I'm sorry" Maggie stops in her tracks "It's fine, do you wanna help me set up for dinner some of Rick's group are cooking tonight" Catherine smiles "Uh I was actually gonna talk to some of Rick's group" Maggie nods "Alright I'll speak to you in a bit then" she kisses her forehead before walking back to the house.

"Hey, have you seen any sign of my brother and sister since this morning?" Catherine calls up to Andrea "Um nope sorry kid" Catherine sighs "Walkers. Walkers!" Catherine looks up watching the walker slowly make its way over "Just the two?" Rick asks as Andrea gets her binoculars "I bet I can nail them from here" she says grabbing her gun "No, no, Andrea"  Can you please put the gun down" Catherine says "You'd best let us handle this" Shane walks over with T-dog "Shane, hold up. Hershel wants to deal with walkers" Rick says "What for, man? We got it covered" 

"Damn it!" Rick grabs his gun before running after Shane, Glenn, and  T-dog "Hey wait!" Catherine yells chasing them "You should just let Hershel do this!" she says catching up to Glenn.

They come to halt as Rick points his gun "Is that Daryl and Marzia?" Glenn asks Catherine looks up at Daryl and Marzia who were cover in blood and dirt with walkers ears around his neck "That's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head. You gonna pull the trigger or what?" Daryl says out of breath Catherine sighs "What the hell happened to you?" she asks just as a shot rang through the air.

Marzia screams as she tries to catch Daryl "Daryl!" Catherine yells running to him "No!" Rick yells at Andrea, Catherine's hands trembled as she looked down at Daryl "No! no!" Daryl wipes the side of his head before both Shane and Rick pick him up "Okay, come here" Catherine whimpers as Marzia grabs her "I was kidding" Daryl says "Come on" Rick says.

"He's okay Cat he's gonna be okay, he's talking don't worry," Marzia says leading Catherine away "Oh, my god. Oh my god, is he dead?" Andrea says as she and Dale run towards the group "Unconscious, you just grazed him" Rick says Catherine's grip on Marzia's hand tightens. "But look at him. What the hell happened? He's wearing ears" Glenn points at Daryl's neck, Rick breaks the makeshift necklace off "Let's keep that to ourselves," he says "Guys, isn't this Sophia's?" T-dog asks holding up a dirty rag doll.

Marzia helps Hershel clean Daryl up "We found it washed up on the creek bed right there. She must have dropped it crossing there somewhere" Daryl says showing Rick where he was on the map.

"Cuts the grid almost in half" Rick says "Yeah, you're welcome," Daryl says earning a light tap from Marzia "How's he looking?" Rick asks Hershel "I had no idea we'd be going through the antibiotics so quickly. Any idea what happened to my horse?" Hershel says "Yeah, the one who almost killed us? If it's smart, it left the country" Daryl groans leaning back.

"We call that one Nelly, as in nervous Nelly. I could have told you she'd throw you if you'd bothered to ask. It's a wonder you people survived this long" Hershel says cleaning his hands "I'm sorry Hershel I should have asked, it's my fault" Marzia says Hershel nods "I'll tell Cat that he's alright" he walks out of the room.

Catherine sat in the shared room next to Carl, her hands still trembling "I'm sure he'll be alright" Carl says trying to soothe Catherine. She sighs looking over at the clock "What's taking so long" she jumps up from the bed about to walk out the door "Your brother is fine" Catherine stops in her tracks as Hershel stands in front of her, she lets out a long but much-needed sigh of relief "Oh thank the lord, thank you Hershel" she hugs him tightly before running past him heading straight to Daryl.

"Silent treatment still?" Daryl asks Marzia as she cleans up around him he nods sighing "Okay listen I get it alright? I was and am an asshole, I didn't come to find you guys and if I'm being honest I don't have an excuse but if I could take it back and come find you all then I would" Marzia slumps into a chair opposite him "Is he dead?" she asks wiping her hands with the cloth she's holding. Daryl looks at her with confusion written all over his face before realizing she was talking about Merle "Does it matter?" he asks she scoffs "I may hate him but he is still my brother. So is he alive or dead?" she looks directly at him "I don't know, I mean I hope not but I think so" she nods "Rick cuffed him to a roof in Atlanta said he was getting outta hand or some shit when we went back to get him all that was left was he is hand and a trail of blood" Daryl wipes his face "I always thought his own stupidity would get him killed" she sighed.

"I don't forgive you but I can learn too, for the girls" Daryl nods "That's all I can ask for".

"This has got to be the most awkward dinner I've ever had" Katie whispers to Catherine as they sit with Beth, Jimmy, Maggie, Glenn, and Charlie at a separate table. "Tell me about it," Catherine says picking at the food on her plate "Does anybody know how to play guitar?" Glenn asks everyone stayed silent "Dale found a cool one" he laughs lightly "Somebody's got to know how to play" Catherine laughs at Glenn's attempt to make things less awkward "Otis did," Patricia says "Yes, and he was very good too" Glenn sighs turning back around.

"I know how to play," Catherine says to which he smiles at "When'd you learn?" he asks "About two years ago so I am still rusty" he nods grabbing the note that Maggie just handed him, Catherine looks at Maggie with a smirk "Shut up" she mouths to Catherine causing her to laugh silently.

Catherine was sat humming on the steps of the porch "Has Glenn come out here?!" Maggie asks worriedly scaring Catherine "God Maggie warn me that your-" "Cat! Did he go over to the barn" Catherine sighs "Yes why?" she asks "Shit" Maggie says before running over "Hey Maggie! Wait!" Catherine runs after Maggie "Go back to the house!" Maggie says "No I'm coming with you" Maggie sighs knowing that she couldn't stop Catherine from going with her.

Both Maggie and Catherine climb up the ladder hurriedly onto the hayloft "What the hell is that smell?" Catherine asks as Glenn runs into her and Maggie, fear written all over his face "You weren't supposed to see this" Maggie says to Glenn "What the fuck!" Catherine says as she looks down seeing walkers trying to reach for them "Maggie what the fuck!" Catherine backs away from the edge "I need both of you to calm down please" Maggie pleads.

Maggie walks Catherine back inside the house "Please don't say anything" she says getting Catherine to face her. Catherine was hesitant but nodded anyway "I'll pretend I didn't see anything," Catherine says before walking into the bedroom "It's Glenn you should be more worried about" Maggie nods "I know" walking off she leaves Catherine stood there to process what just happened.

Okayyyyy hope you enjoyed it, please feel free to leave feedback <3

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