Weisz x reader - Defending my Crew

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A/N: Request for @erikacrystal16 ! Enjoy!

***Y/N's p.o.v***

"You pervert!" I yelled punching Weisz to the ground once again.

A blush steeped its way onto my face as I hugged my chest embarrassed.

I huffed and stormed off frustrated.

Out of all the people to be a part of our crew I got stuck with him, Weisz Steiner. The literal residential pervert.

My name is Y/N L/N and I'm a member of the crew of Eden's Zero. Thanks to my Ether Gear the powerful bow, Heartstring, I'm the sniper of the crew.

Currently, I'm on an important mission to get a needed material for the ship.

"Witch, did you have to send this pervert with me for this mission?" I asked her annoyed through the com link.

"Sorry Y/N, but Weisz is the only one who can rework the door to get you into the building," Hermit responded.

"Couldn't you just hack it though," I whined.

"Sorry Y/N, but I'm afraid it's a manual door so I can't do anything on my end," Hermit replied.

I groaned.

"Don't worry this mission should be quick, then you can get out of his hair," Witch smiled.

"Just kick his ass again if he bothers you. Maybe one day he'll learn his lesson," Sister responded.

"Moscoy!" Mosco cheered.

"Don't push it!" Sister yelled through the coms.

I sighed annoyed; I really hated this guy.

"Don't worry, you can do it Y/N!" Pino replied happily.

"Thanks Pino, I'll try," I sighed as I hung up.

"Did you have to hit me that hard?" Weisz asked as he trudged over.

"Touch me again and I'll hit you harder," I growled.

"Anyway, c'mon. We have a mission to do," I muttered seriously.

Noticing my serious expression, Weisz sighed before nodding himself getting serious.

"Yeah, let's go," he muttered.

***Timeskip*** ***Weisz's p.o.v***

"There that should do it," I muttered.

Y/N nodded as we snuck through the hole I made.

I quickly fixed it to cover our tracks before we raced through the building.

"Hermit-" Y/N started.

"Take the next right, then go left from there. It should be in the door at the end of the hallway," Hermit answered through the coms.

"Perfect," I smirked.

We quickly raced through the building as quietly as we could, making sure we weren't followed so we wouldn't get caught.

Soon enough, we made it to the door and thanks to Hermit, snuck inside.

Inside was an array of stolen ship parts the scoundrels here had stolen.

"Wow, dang. These guys are good at their job," I whistled impressed.

"You're not supposed to complement the bad guys," Y/N stated annoyed.

I saddened a bit. 'I wish she wouldn't hate me so much. I've only been messing around, it's not like I've done anything harmful to her. There's no reason for her to be that upset. Although, she's kinda cute when she's upset,' I thought with a slight blush.

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