Labilia x reader - In your own Unique Ways

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A/N: Requested by @Netherlands25 ! Enjoy!!!

***Y/N's p.o.v***

"Uuughhh!" Labilia groaned as she entered our apartment.

She roughly slammed the door and plopped down on the closest piece of furniture she could find.

Which so happened to be the couch.

"Well, someone's had a rough day," I replied leaning against the couch to look at her.

She grumbled something incoherent as she looked away from me.

I smirked walking over and sitting next to her on the couch.

"Alright, jokes aside what's up? Did your last video not do well?" I asked her.

"It barely got over 100 views," she grumbled into the pillow.

"That's like the type of video that brat Rebecca would put up," she grumbled once more.

I sighed.

I never liked Labilia's negative attitude towards others, but she's not a completely bad person. In fact, beneath the surface she's actually sweet. She donates a lot of extra money from her videos to charities. Unfortunately though, her fame tends to get a bit to her head sometimes.

Although, she's definitely not as bad as she used to be. If it wasn't for that I don't think I would have dated her, but she's improved a lot since then. Nowadays it's only when she gets competitive that her old mean side starts to resurface.

"Rebecca's videos are a lot better than what they used to be. They're actually pretty interesting to watch," I commended.

"Are you saying hers are better than mine?" Labilia grumbled at me.

"Depends. What exactly did you put up?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"It was a video of that new restaurant in downtown Blue Garden! I thought it would be the perfect place for a video!" She exclaimed.

"And?" I asked her.

"And what? I tried the food!" She exclaimed.

"Well for one, many people have already done videos of that place so your way behind. Two, knowing you, you probably pulled some prank which is why nobody's watching your video," I told her.

"Well..." she started.

"Labilia, we talked about this," I scolded her.

"I only added spices to my bodyguards dish! It wasn't that bad," she exclaimed.

"Yes, but did you think about how they felt? They probably really wanted to try the new food and you ruined it for them, not to mention making a fool out of them on video," I told her.

Labilia pouted a bit before she saddened.

"You're right. Ugh, now what do I do?" She whined plopping down into the pillow again.

I sighed as I shook my head at her.

"Well that's pretty easy to figure out. Now you fix your mess," I replied with a smile as I stroked her hair gently.

She turned to me with her pout and slightly teary eyes, "How would I do that?"

"You tell me. What do you think?" I asked her.

She thought on that, "I could treat them back at the same place on me. Maybe I could even get them something special as well and I could make a video out of it to show my apology to my viewers."

"That's the intelligent girl I love," I smiled.

She blushed as she smiled.

"I better get to work then!" She exclaimed as she stood up.

I chuckled as she turned to me questionably.

"Maybe you should go to bed first. The restaurant won't open until tomorrow anyway," I smirked at her.

She blushed deeply in embarrassment, "Oh yes, of course."

I chuckled.


"I did it!" Labilia cheered bursting through the door.

I turned to her with a smile before I coughed in surprise as she tackled me into a hug.

I smiled up at her as I hugged her back.

"So it went well?" I asked her.

"It went beautifully! I got over 4 thousand views!" She exclaimed breaking the hug and throwing out her hands.

"And it was all thanks to your beautiful inspiration. Thank you Y/N," she smiled.

I leaned up and pecked her lips.

"Of course, anything for you," I smiled.

She chuckled as I looked at her questionably.

"It's cute that you're so short you have to lean up to kiss me," she chuckled.

I let out a small groan as I rolled my eyes, "Not this again."

"Maybe you should grow a little, then I wouldn't have to make fun of your height all the time," she chuckled as she attempted to walk off.

I smirked as I grabbed her from behind and lifted her into my arms as she let out a squeak.

"I may be too short, but I'm still strong enough to bring you down to my level," I smirked as I captured her lips.

I released her from the kiss as I carried her bridal style to the couch before I set her down beside me.

Labilia still a bit red from my surprise kiss, smiled as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"You know, as much as I make fun of your height. You're the perfect height for me to rest my head on," Labilia smiled.

"And in your own unique way, as intolerable as you can be sometimes you can be just as kind too when you put your mind to it," I smirked.

I earned a good shove for that one, but it was all in good fun as I shoved back, leading us to laugh at one another as we playfully ended our night in laughter.

A/N: Labilia isn't one of my favorite characters but I did my best! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't Forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!!

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