Shiki x Innocent reader - Innocent Love

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! Enjoy!!! Requested By: 

***Y/N's p.o.v***

I happily swung my feet and licked my lollipop as I watched bodies being thrown before me.

There was currently a large fight going on at the present moment, Shiki leading the fight as he tossed bad guys back and forth with his gravity magic.

Another two bodies came flying in my direction and I happily ducked and dodged with ease.

Shiki was grinning away happily as he kicked butt with relative ease thanks to my Ether Gear, Lucky Charm.

My Ether Gear allows me to enhance the Ether of another person, but it has to be someone I'm rooting for or it doesn't hardly affect them. So, it makes it almost impossible for someone to force me to enhance them if I don't want to.

"Get the girl! Then he'll be weaker!" One grunt said to his buddies.

A small group soon came charging at me as I took out my lollipop and looked at them innocently.


"Sorry guys but she's off limits!" Shiki yelled as he kicked them away.

I smiled happily.

I'm not much of a fighter myself but the others are all for it, so they cover me while I power them up.

"Magimech attack! Gravity Fist!" He yelled finishing off the rest.

Shiki looked over at the mess before he grinned, "That was fun!"

Shiki turned back to me and happily ran over. "Ready to go!?"

I smiled at him, "Mhmm!"

Shiki grinned, "Then let's go! Oh! Did you save a juice box for me back at the ship!?!"

I nodded happily, "Yeah, of course silly!"

I hopped off the ledge I was sitting on and happily wrapped my arms around his and pulled him close.

Shiki smiled at me as we walked back.

"Hey Hermit, did Rebecca and Weisz get the part we needed?" Shiki asked over the com links.

"Yup. They are heading back to the ship now. What's your guy's status?" She asked.

"We are on our way back as well," Shiki responded with a smile.

"Um Shiki...?" I spoke up, tugging his jacket and pointing as I noticed more foot soldiers heading towards us.

"Oops," Shiki laughed.

"Looks like we've got to go!" Shiki grinned as he lifted me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as I laughed happily.

"Hang on!" Shiki grinned mischievously before we rocketed into the air, right on top of the Eden's Zero.

"We're all here! Get us out of here Witch!" Shiki smiled as he put me down.

"Of course, Great Demon King," Witch smiled.

"Hey, wanna race for our juice boxes!" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah totally!" Shiki grinned.

The Eden's Zero blasted off as the two of us raced inside to Eden's Kitchen.

"Ha! I win!" I smiled with glee jumping triumphantly.

Shiki panted behind me in exhaustion before he smiled, "Yeah you win, but now I really want that juice box."

I smiled happily as I skipped over to the refrigerator and grabbed two juice boxes. I happily skipped back to Shiki as he was still catching his breath as I handed him one.

"Thanks!" Shiki grinned as we sat down and happily drank our delicious juice boxes.

"You too are so alike," Rebecca smiled shaking her head as she, Weisz, and Homura walked in.

"They're mostly like little kids," Weisz muttered.

"They are so cute together, but I won't say that out loud," Homura muttered as Weisz and Rebecca sweat dropped.

Shiki looked down, almost bothered by Homura's words.

"Shiki?" I questioned tilting my head, noticing his change.

"Y/N," Shiki spoke turning to me.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Shiki asked plainly.

I blinked at him for a second before I blushed a million different shades of red.

"Wait he just asked up front?!" Weisz gasped in shock at Shiki's bluntness as the girls blushed and squealed.

"Um- ah- I-" I stuttered before I shook my head, shaking away my nerves.

"No?" Shiki questioned sadly.

"No, you big dummy!" I yelled hitting his head as tears shown from my eyes.

"Of course I'd love to!" I yelled at him embarrassed.

Shiki rubbed his head before he smiled, "Then why didn't you just say so?"

I blushed embarrassed as I looked at the ground.

Shiki laughed making me look at him before he gave me a big hug.

"C'mon let's go tell the others!" Shiki smiled as he hopped down.

"Mhmm!" I smiled as I hopped down and followed after him happily.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the Oneshot! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!!

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