Weisz x reader Soulmate AU - You're Perfect

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! Enjoy!!! Requested By: Chop2004

***Y/N's p.o.v***

Soulmates. Everyone supposedly has one. It is said that when you meet the person you're destined with, a mark will appear somewhere on your body connecting the two of you forever.

I always thought it was a bizarre concept.

Until the day my mark appeared.

It was a typical day in Blue Garden for me, walking through the crowded streets as I headed home from the grocery store.

But after I arrived home and started putting away the groceries, I noticed something along my wrist.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groaned.

There illuminating my left wrist was a yellow intricate tech design.

"Great. Just great, I somehow ran into my soulmate," I groaned, completely forgetting about my groceries.

"Wait, who even is my soulmate? I didn't talk to anyone, not even the cashier?! Don't tell me I somehow passed him on the busy street!?" I groaned as I face palmed.

"Ugh, now what am I going to do?" I groaned as I laid on the table.

"Wait? Why am I even worried about this?! I don't even care about having a soulmate!" I exclaimed to myself, sitting up straight.

I sighed before I wrapped my arms around myself, "It's not like any guy will love me for who I am anyway... I'm too boring for that."

***Timeskip*** ***Weisz's p.o.v***

"Ugh this is so frustrating!!!" I shouted.

"This is probably karma for you always being so perverted," Rebecca smirked.

"I agree but I shall not say that out loud," Homura muttered in agreement.

"But you did though," Happy sweat dropped.

"I'm so happy you have a soulmate Weisz!" Shiki cried.

"That's nothing to cry about!" I yelled back at him.

"I'm surprised he even got one," Hermit added.

"The poor girl," Sister said with a shake of her head.

"Hey!" I shouted at them.

"It's not like it matters anyway. I have no idea who it is," I muttered with a blush as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Well, we know they are on Blue Garden, so we just have to go back and look," Shiki grinned.

"That's not necessarily true. They could have just only stopped at Blue Garden temporarily like us, so we have no idea if they will always be there," Rebecca explained.

"Oh right," Shiki saddened.

"Even still, I think it would be a great idea to still look around Blue Garden. Maybe they are still there or like the Great Demon King mentioned they might even live there," Witch mentioned.

"We will help you find your soulmate Master Weisz!" Pino exclaimed with a smile.

"Yeah, and we won't give up either!" Shiki cheered.

I looked down at the rose on my wrist before I blushed, "Alright let's go look."


"So where should we start looking?" Shiki asked.

"No idea," I muttered.

"According to the data I got from Miss Witch, Master Weisz's soul mark should resonate in some way when we are close to them," Pino responded.

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